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Discrimination / Harassment

English-Only Rule Is Legal in Rare Circumstances


Q. Is it legal for our company to require employees to speak only English at work? —B.K., Idaho

Don’t Rely on ‘Same-Actor’ Defense


Q. If an employee claims she was discriminated against by the same supervisor who hired and fired her, does the employer have a defense to the discrimination claim? —S.D., New Jersey

Include temp workers in anti-harassment policy

Nearly 70 women who worked as temporary on-site telemarketers at a Chicago car dealership filed a class-action lawsuit in federal court, claiming widespread sexual harassment by the dealership’s management. Most of …

High court ruling forces longer retention of records

In another ruling last month, the Supreme Court said employees in some cases can file discrimination charges even if allegations fall outside the statute of limitations. Under Title VII, employees …

EEOC issues more guidance on anti-Muslim bias

Between Sept. 11, 2001, and May 7, 2002, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) received 497 job-bias complaints on the basis of Muslim religion. That’s compared with 193 complaints over …

Employ workers outside America? Two rulings boost your legal risks

1. EU harassment rule. Employers in Europe will need to do a better job of preventing sexual harassment. Reason: A newly approved European Union (EU) directive, which takes effect in 2005, …

Be Wary of Firing Overpaid Employee


Q. Is it legal to terminate an employee because he makes a high salary? —J.L., Arizona

Third-party retaliation will stand up in court

Gregory Fogleman claimed that the age-old parable about a son being punished for the sins of his father played out in his workplace. As a result, Gregory’s employer could pay more …

Volunteers can’t collect on Title VII claims

A bar association member volunteered to develop a program for the association on her own time, with no pay. After fending off sexual advances from the program’s chairman, she sued for …

Religious bias: No special exceptions to union pact

Trucker David Virts refused to work with women during “sleeper runs” because of his religious beliefs. After his first refusal, he was warned. After his second refusal, the company fired him. …