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Discrimination / Harassment

Secondhand smoke leads to multimillion-dollar penalty

If your workplace still allows smoking, consider this: A New York jury awarded $5.27 million to a sales director of a modeling firm who claimed that secondhand smoke subjected her …

Dump strict language policy; EEOC cracks down

If your company requires employees to speak English at all times (even lunch hours and breaks), drop that policy now. Such broad English-only rules violate Title VII.
And even if …

EEOC proposes age-bias exemption for retiree health plans

In an effort to stem the tide of companies discontinuing health benefits to retirees, the EEOC has proposed ex-empting retiree health plans from the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA).

Even ‘harmless’ banter can create a hostile environment

Issue: A new ruling lowers the bar on what courts consider sexual harassment.
Risk: Allowing “boys to be boys”, even if they don’t target anyone for abuse, can now cost …

O-V-E-R-Q-U-A-L-I-F-I-E-D can spell ‘lawsuit’

Issue: With the job market flooded with experienced and skilled people, the temptation rises for hiring managers to use “overqualified” as a weeding-out method.
Risk: Courts could view your use …

Never assume pregnancy will affect employees’ ability to work

Issue: It’s up to pregnant employees to decide if pregnancy or maternity will prevent them from performing their jobs.
Risk: Liability for up to hundreds of thousands of dollars in …

Tap new EEOC Web site for investigation insight

The EEOC is coming after you for workplace discrimination. Now what? One good source, surprisingly, is the EEOC’s own site, which now offers a section titled “EEOC Investigations, What an Employer …

Post all job openings in-House


Q. We typically don’t post high-level management openings internally. Should we? —K.L., California

You can require mandatory overtime


Q. A new employee has just informed his supervisor that he can’t work any overtime. Can we legally fire this person? —G.M., Virginia

Dump strict English-only policy; EEOC cracks down

Issue: Requiring employees to speak English can be legally risky.
Risk: Overly broad or misguided policies can trigger a national-origin discrimination complaint …