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Discrimination / Harassment

‘Equal-opportunity harasser’ defense may not save you in court

You may think that if an employee subjects both male and female co-workers to the same offensive conduct, employees of neither sex can file a sexual-harassment lawsuit.
In past cases, …

Abercrombie settlement: a lesson in hiring for ‘looks’

In what the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) labels a “landmark” settlement, retailer Abercrombie & Fitch is shelling out nearly $50 million to settle three employment discrimination suits …

Can you hire for ‘looks?’ Abercrombie case offers a lesson

Issue: Whether a marketing strategy can, or should, dictate your organization’s hiring practice.
Risk: Any hiring strategy that appears to discriminate against a protected class is fair game for EEOC …

Be consistent when bending policies to suit elder care needs

Issue: Most organizations lack formal elder care benefits or policies. Instead, they assist employees by making exceptions to other policies.
Risk: Unless you apply those exceptions fairly, you’ll risk complaints …

Demand English fluency only if it’s needed

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Preventing harassment: not a ‘one and done’ deal

Login Email Address Password I forgot my password To continue reading this page, become an HR Specialist Premium Plus member today! Your subscription includes: Ask the Attorney: Answers to your HR legal questions Compliance Guidance: Access to 7,000 HR news articles, updated daily, sorted by state State-by-State: Summaries of HR laws in all 50 states […]

Accommodate religious requests; don’t debate ‘sincerity’

Issue: Accommodating employees’ religious beliefs and practices even though you question their legitimacy.
Risk: You’ll waste time (and potentially spark a lawsuit) by challenging a person’s religious sincerity.
Action: …

Insist on fluent English only if job requires it

It’s clear that you can require bank tellers and phone salespeople to speak fluent English. But can you make the same demand of a construction worker or dishwasher?
In many …

Take harassment training seriously; more states mandate it

Smart organizations have hosted sexual-harassment training for years. But now that California has joined the list of states that mandate such training, your state may be next.
The California law …

It’s now less costly to settle job-discrimination claims

A little-noticed provision in the new tax law will benefit employers who are looking to settle discrimination lawsuits for the lowest possible amount.
Victorious plaintiffs in discrimination cases can now …