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Discrimination / Harassment

Converting staff to contractors isn’t bias, but do it correctly

Terminating a class of employees and offering them to return as independent contractors can save you thousands. But it may raise eyebrows. That’s why, to avoid lawsuits under the Age Discrimination …

Check state, local laws on sexual-orientation bias

No federal law grants job discrimination protection for people due to their sexual orientation or “gender identity,” but many employers are unaware that several state and local laws make workplace bias …

Drug-test cheating on the rise; fight back with random tests

Can you trust negative drug test results anymore?
The Internet is flooded with products, more than 400, according to a Business Insurance report, that help employees and job candidates cheat …

Supreme Court preview: Key FLSA, bias cases on tap

While much of the recent U.S. Supreme Court drama has swirled around who will serve on the court, employers are looking forward to key employment-law cases that the court will hear …

Using insensitive nicknames can spell bias

Issue: Some supervisors, particularly males, try to bond with employees by giving them nicknames.
Risk: When nicknames are insensitive to a protected class (race, ethnicity, etc.), they could trigger hostile-environment …

Know the 5 ‘musts’ for age-discrimination waivers

Issue: Very precise wording is needed when employees waive their rights to sue for age discrimination.
Risk: Employers often treat age-bias waivers like any other waiver, a critical mistake that …

Watch those nicknames: Turning El-Hakem into ‘Hank’ spells bias

You know that ethnic slurs and name-calling have no place in the workplace. But a new court ruling proves that any kind of ethnic intolerance can be punished.
If supervisors …

Put limits on supervisors’ ‘power-differentiated’ relationships

A new court ruling gives you more reason to consider a “no-dating” rule among your employees or a “no-dating subordinates” rule for your supervisors. At the very least, require supervisors to …

Don’t shrug off complaints of female-on-male harassment

If a male employee complains about sexually harassing comments by a female co-worker, how would your supervisors respond?
Too often, bosses (and some HR professionals) laugh off such “reverse” harassment …

EEOC revises definition of ‘timely’ discrimination charge

To file a legal workplace discrimination claim with the EEOC, employees must show that the alleged discrimination occurred within a certain time frame or filing “threshold.” Now, the EEOC has revised …