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Discrimination / Harassment

Isolated comments on accent not enough to prove bias


No doubt, your managers and supervisors know not to ridicule someone’s accent or way of speaking. But what if an employee’s communication skills suffer on account of his other accent? Are you prohibited from mentioning that accent and recommending remedial help to better communications?

Study: Good-Looking people suffer a ‘Beauty penalty’ at work


Studies in the past have shown that attractive people generally earn a "beauty premium." That is, they earn more money, enjoy better performance reviews and people view them as being more intelligent and trustworthy. But according to a recent study published by Rice University, those studies may have it wrong …

Discrimination lawsuit by lesbian nurse fails in court


A federal judge in the Northern District of Texas recently dismissed a Title VII discrimination lawsuit brought by a lesbian nurse who claimed that she was fired because of her sexuality and appearance …

Layoff choices: Focus on performance, not just salary level


Nothing triggers age discrimination lawsuits like a layoff. After all, saving money is a primary consideration in most decisions to downsize. And because long-term employees are often paid more than newer employees, organizations that focus on money often end up with layoff lists heavy with post-40-year-olds. That’s a recipe for an Age Discrimination in Employment Act lawsuit …

Prepare to justify answers with solid business reasons


While many employees view a transfer to a different location as a positive career move, others don’t see it that way. Some employees may assume discrimination in what your organization thinks of as normal career development …

Survive a PHRC probe only with precise documentation


Conventional wisdom holds that employers won’t face strict scrutiny if they fire employees who aren’t meeting performance expectations during their probationary period. Conventional wisdom is wrong, at least when it comes to the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission …

EEOC pursues full day of rest as a religious accommodation


The EEOC filed a religious discrimination lawsuit last month against the Aldi supermarket chain after the two parties failed to reach a settlement …

PNC’s policies for mothers earn a mix of praise and scorn


Pittsburgh-based PNC Financial Services Group was cited twice last month: First by Working Mother magazine as one of the top 100 places for women to work, and then by the EEOC as a place where pregnancy discrimination is rife …

N.J. supervisors can be held personally liable for job bias


Want to scare your organization’s supervisors into complying with your employment policies? Point out that, under New Jersey law, they can be sued personally for their discriminatory actions. That means one on-the-job misstep can cost managers their homes, savings accounts and other personal assets to satisfy a court judgment …

You can fire managers who ignore harassment complaints


The best harassment policy in the world isn’t worth the paper it’s written on if employees don’t take it seriously. To show your policy has teeth, you have to let it bite …