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Discrimination / Harassment

Independent Contractors: Liability Issues


HR Law 101: When independent contractors are acting as a company’s agents, the company is liable for their actions, according to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in 2003 …

Job Advertisements


HR Law 101: Make sure your job advertisements are based on accurate, up-to-date job descriptions and comply with anti-discrimination laws. Don’t use phrases like “perfect for college students” or “ideal for working mothers” …

EEO-1 Reports


HR Law 101: In an effort to monitor employment of minorities and females in the workforce, the EEOC requires certain employers to complete and file an Employer Information Report, commonly called an EEO-1 report, by Sept. 30 each year.

References, Background Checks


HR Law 101: Make it your policy never to hire a candidate without a reference/background check. Your organization could be held liable for “negligent hiring” or “failure to warn” should the employee turn violent on the job. If the employee’s past history would have revealed a problem but you didn’t spot it because you didn’t check, the courts will say you “should have known.” Your firm not only might have to pay damages but also would suffer a loss of reputation …    


Prevent bias against men who take FMLA leave


Would your hiring managers react negatively to male employees or applicants just because they took FMLA leave to care for a newborn or a sick family member? …

Offer wellness incentives? Follow new govt. rules


New IRS and Labor Department rules make it easier to offer financial incentives to employees for meeting health goals (such as health-plan premium differences between smokers and nonsmokers) …

Managers who hire for ‘Right look’ may be discriminating


Image is everything, as the saying goes. But be extra careful that your pursuit of a certain work-force image doesn’t result in the weeding out of legally protected employees (females, minorities, older workers, etc.) …

Prompt corrective action limits harassment liability


When employees complain about a sexually hostile environment, it pays to remedy the situation … fast. That’s true even if you don’t believe the actions would amount to illegal harassment …

Hired a dud? Double-Check that person’s qualifications and sniff out exaggerations


You’ve no doubt hired a candidate who looks great on paper but quickly shows deficiencies. The experience he or she listed on the résumé isn’t apparent when the person starts work. Before long, you realize your mistake and fire the new employee, who then sues for discrimination

Setting layoff criteria? You can ignore past performance


When planning a layoff or restructuring, you can set criteria for who gets the ax by focusing on employees’ potential future contributions and ignoring their past performance …