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Discrimination / Harassment

Choosing Employees for Promotion: A 6-Step Legal Process

You’re probably relying more heavily on internal promotions than in the past. And as internal candidates compete more and more for coveted “inside” jobs, expect a corresponding rise in the number of failure-to-promote lawsuits when expected promotions don’t materialize. These six steps will help keep you out of court.

Don’t tell employee’s new boss about his prior complaints


If an employee is suffering from performance problems and wants a transfer to another supervisor or position, be careful which details in the person’s history you share with the new manager. That’s especially true if the employee has a history of filing legal complaints …

DHS finds that an illegal ‘Hostile environment’ can flare up quickly


What can you say in the space of two hours to constitute a “severe and pervasive” hostile work environment that would be enough to justify a lawsuit? …

Establish rules on internal promotions to avoid lawsuits


When it comes to internal promotions, you’re on the safest legal ground if you set clear procedures. That way, employees who don’t land coveted promotions can’t claim the reason was discrimination …

Toledo firefighters face termination for illegal tapings


The Toledo fire chief has recommended terminating three female firefighters after discovering they had secretly taped workplace conversations …

Goodyear to pay $925,000 to settle gender bias suit


Akron-based Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. will pay $925,000 to a class of more than 800 women whom it turned down for tire-making jobs in its Danville, Va., plant in 1998 and 1999 …

Shootings spark bias lawsuits by white officers in Cleveland


A federal court jury recently awarded $800,000 to a white police officer, finding that the city of Cleveland racially discriminated against him after he shot a black youth in a 2001 arrest attempt …

Unions say ALL workers should eligible for state minimum wage


The AFL-CIO is working to overturn provisions of Ohio House bill 690, which excludes farm, home health care and amusement park workers from the state’s recent minimum wage increase …

Understanding religious accommodations in Ohio workplaces


Ohio mirrors America’s growing diversity in many ways. Today, mosques occupy old churches; co-workers wear burqas and yarmulkes; and some employees request “prayer breaks.” Religious diversity is a reason for celebration, but it also presents challenges in the workplace

USF Holland to pay $700,000 for race bias at Nashville plant


Two black employees working in the Nashville plant of Michigan-based USF Holland recently won $350,000 each in a race-discrimination lawsuit …