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Discrimination / Harassment

Pick qualification standards and stick with them


Sorting through candidates for promotion? Make sure you apply the same education and experience standards to all of them. If you don’t, chances are at least one spurned candidate will consider a lawsuit

Report EEOC claims or lose insurance coverage


The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas has dismissed a lawsuit filed by an employer against its employment practices liability insurance company because the employer didn’t tell the insurer about an EEOC complaint right away …

Employ ‘Casual’ Workers? Stem Discrimination Lawsuits by Tracking Assignments You Offer


If you regularly hire “casual” workers for short assignments, it’s a good idea to keep careful track of the assignments you offer. You should monitor and record how many assignments each worker accepts and rejects …

Good-Faith Discrimination Complaints Under the LAD

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Set clear rules on office romance


Have a no-dating policy at your workplace? If the answer is “no,” it may be time to consider one. While some office romances may seem innocent enough, trouble can follow an ugly breakup between co-workers. That’s why it pays to have clear rules in place …

Pregnant Employees: Answers to Your 20 Toughest Legal Questions

White Paper published by The HR Specialist ______________________ Not many years ago, pregnant women were subject to poor treatment from employers and company insurance plans as well. But the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA), enacted in 1978, prohibits discrimination on the basis of “pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions.” The PDA required most employers to make […]

Pregnant Employees: Answers to 7 Questions on Hiring and Employment Status


The Pregnancy Discrimination Act has important implications for how employers treat pregnant women during the hiring process and after, once they become employees. Here are the EEOC’s answers to some of the most common questions employers face.

Choosing Employees for Promotion: A 6-Step Legal Process

You’re probably relying more heavily on internal promotions than in the past. And as internal candidates compete more and more for coveted “inside” jobs, expect a corresponding rise in the number of failure-to-promote lawsuits when expected promotions don’t materialize. These six steps will help keep you out of court.

Don’t tell employee’s new boss about his prior complaints


If an employee is suffering from performance problems and wants a transfer to another supervisor or position, be careful which details in the person’s history you share with the new manager. That’s especially true if the employee has a history of filing legal complaints …

DHS finds that an illegal ‘Hostile environment’ can flare up quickly


What can you say in the space of two hours to constitute a “severe and pervasive” hostile work environment that would be enough to justify a lawsuit? …