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Discrimination / Harassment

PPG faces discrimination suit for ADEA, ERISA violations


Five former employees who say they were fired for being too old and costly have hit PPG Industries, Inc., the Pittsburgh-based paint, glass and chemical giant, with a class-action lawsuit …

Employee didn’t apply, so college couldn’t have discriminated


When Harcum College in Bryn Mawr had an opening for a facilities supervisor, the department’s manager considered hiring an outside firm to run the unit …

EEOC gets go-Ahead for new age guidelines


The 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals, headquartered in Philadelphia, has given the EEOC approval to implement a final rule allowing employers to give greater benefits to younger retirees than to Medicare-eligible retirees — without violating age-discrimination rules …

Handling workplace religious discrimination and harassment


Few issues are as personal and potentially divisive as religion. Controversies generated by the “war on terror,” the abortion debate and other moral and ethical questions sometimes spill over into the workplace …

No expectation of privacy on work PCs


Q.  An employee recently complained that she had received pornographic e-mail messages and links to X-rated web sites from some of her co-workers. I want to review these messages — and other messages these guys have sent — to figure out exactly how large a problem I’m facing. Can I do this?

Few women on staff? Watch for hostile-Environment claims


Employers could violate the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD) even if they don’t intend to discriminate …

Vague disability isn’t an excuse for special treatment


To make sure employees who really aren’t disabled don’t get special treatment, HR professionals need to understand what constitutes a disability and what’s just a minor ailment …

National security trumps national-Origin claims


Even in a post-Sept. 11, 2001, environment, employers know they can’t use national origin or religion as an excuse to discharge or refuse to hire employees.

Accommodation doesn’t need to match employee’s request


Title VII protects employees from discrimination based on their religion and requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for religious practices. But the requirement isn’t absolute …

State’s whistle-Blower retaliation law may reach NJ companies with foreign subsidiaries


New Jersey companies with operations or facilities in foreign countries can find themselves being sued in-state, even if the alleged whistle-blowers work overseas …