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Discrimination / Harassment

Lewd butcher kept on well past ‘Sell by’ date


Jewel Food Stores settled a sexual harassment lawsuit with four female employees for $200,000, but the meat department manager who spawned the suit has had a surprising shelf life …

Firefighters claim Chicago suburb wanted black department


Four white part-time firefighters have sued the village of Dolton for racial discrimination after the town’s fire department promoted two black firefighters to full-time positions over white candidates with better qualifications. The plaintiffs claim Dolton Fire Chief Jerry McCullough told them, “If you’re not black, you’re not getting hired.” …

Employers, employees affected as Illinois adopts smoking ban


Citing the toxicity of secondhand smoke, Gov. Rod Blagojevich signed Senate Bill 500, the Smoke-Free Illinois Act, into law on July 23.  The law takes effect Jan. 1 and requires employers to provide smoke-free workplaces for all employees. The new state law does not mean employers can ignore local anti-smoking ordinances. Municipalities may still enact smoking bans that are tougher than state law, but all Illinois jurisdictions must meet the new state standards when the law takes effect …

Keep written records showing discipline rationale


The decks are stacked against employees who claim retaliation when there is no direct evidence of discrimination—if employers keep complete written records of their disciplinary actions. Those cases often hinge on allegations the employer trumped up disciplinary charges to cover up retaliation. That can be difficult for an employee to prove if there is a solid paper trail documenting the employee’s infractions and the resulting discipline …

Detailed investigations help distinguish punishments


If you have a disciplinary policy that dictates punishment for different infractions, make sure you thoroughly investigate each incident. That way, you’ll be better prepared to show why one employee received a lesser punishment than another. That rationale is crucial when it comes to a discrimination lawsuit. You must be prepared to show how thorough your investigation was and why you did what you did …

Manager’s careless comment on accent shows discrimination under ELCRA


Under Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA), it’s direct evidence of discrimination if a supervisor or manager with hiring or firing power makes comments about an applicant’s or employee’s foreign accent. That’s why it’s crucial for HR to remind managers and supervisors to watch what they say …

National Guardswoman fights for promotion and wins


A black female Michigan National Guard member has won a discrimination suit against the head of the guard, Maj. Gen. Thomas Cutler, and one of his top deputies, alleging they hired a less qualified white man for an airfield manager’s position …

Law boosts pension portability as cash-Balance plans take off


Dow Chemical Co., based in Midland, has announced it will adopt a cash-balance plan for new employees, making it the largest employer to do so since Congress passed legislation last year protecting new plans from age-discrimination lawsuits …

Use contractual limitations to protect company and managers


Michigan courts have generally upheld as valid and enforceable provisions within an employment application or employment contract that place time limits on when employees can sue their employers. Thus, while the statute of limitations for filing a claim of discrimination under Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act is three years, a Michigan court has upheld contractual provisions providing for a shortened limitations period of six months …

Promotions and age discrimination


Q. We are reviewing two employees for a promotion, one is 55 and the other is 45. We are concerned that if we select the younger employee, we will be charged with age discrimination. Are we safer selecting the older employee, assuming both candidates are qualified for the job? …