Tuition-aid budgets currently account for 10% to 12% of overall training costs, says Jeanne Meister, a corporate learning consultant and former vice president of market development at Accenture Learning. “That (increase) could grow out of proportion unless employers put the brakes on and manage tuition assistance,” says Meister. “It will be a big issue in five years.” Here are six practical tips to help you manage tuition-assistance programs like your vendor relationships …
Employees seeking relief from on-the-job discrimination on the basis of their race, sex, age, national origin or religion can typically pursue their claims under federal law, Ohio law (Ohio Revised Code Section 4112.02) or both. In most cases, it doesn’t matter whether the employee sues under state or federal law—the court will apply the same cases and reasoning. The same is not true in pregnancy discrimination cases. That’s because the Ohio Civil Rights Commission interprets pregnancy discrimination quite differently than does its federal counterpart, the EEOC …