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Discrimination / Harassment

‘Cultural fit’ might be code for age discrimination


Each organization has its own culture, and some even strive to differentiate themselves based on that unique atmosphere. But some words of caution are in order: If you use “cultural fit” to limit applicants or to drive out those who don’t conform, prepare for trouble …

Document experience to justify who stays after RIF


In uncertain economic times, employers place a premium on flexibility. That includes being able to retain the most talented, productive and experienced employees, and perhaps terminating those with more seniority. But that can lead to discrimination claims over age and other characteristics …

Headed to court? Have everyone ask lawyers if conversations are being recorded


When it comes to winning lawsuits, it’s a cutthroat world out there. Attorneys representing employees may stoop to low tactics, such as secretly recording every conversation they have with witnesses. What’s worse, it’s not against the Georgia state bar ethics rules to make secret recordings. But lying about it is. That’s why you should instruct anyone who will be speaking with an employee’s attorney to ask point blank whether the conversation is being recorded …

Just got served with court papers? It’s OK to impose already-Planned discipline


Sometimes, employees who are having trouble at work think that filing EEOC complaints or lawsuits will save their jobs. It’s a ploy generally designed to paralyze management by raising the specter of a retaliation claim. But courts generally don’t hold it against an employer if it carries out a previously made discipline decision. A lawsuit or complaint doesn’t work like a cease-and-desist order …

Bad noose for airport worker


A construction worker at a rental car facility at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport was fired for hanging a noose at the job site. Co-workers discovered the noose when they came to the job site one morning. Investigators could not determine a motive for the employee’s actions …

Madison County settles in religious discrimination case


An agnostic paramedic sued Madison County for religious discrimination after the county offered Christian counseling, held Christian prayer meetings in the workplace and allegedly terminated him because of his agnosticism …

Tell managers: Avoid subjective hiring preferences


When it comes to hiring and promotions, it’s best to avoid subjectivity in the selection process. Tell managers and supervisors: If they have to rely on hunches, impressions and whether they “feel” one candidate is a better choice than another candidate, they are asking for trouble …

Investigate—And then explain decision to discipline or not


Just about every harassment allegation deserves some sort of investigation. After all, that’s the only way to tell what is really happening down in the trenches. But that doesn’t mean each and every accusation should result in discipline or some other tangible action …

‘Last-Chance agreements’ are reasonable accommodations for substance abuse


A court has ruled that so-called “last-chance agreements”—which put off discharge in favor of treatment for an active drug or alcohol problem—are valid as reasonable accommodations. If last-chance agreements were banned, employees with substance abuse problems would lose an important avenue toward keeping their jobs …

In Pennsylvania lately, no noose is good news


A recent spate of bizarre “noose” incidents at workplaces in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh have activists calling for tough responses. A Verizon worker in Butler County discovered a doll with a noose around its neck and a note saying she didn’t deserve a promotion. Days later, a worker at a construction site in O’Hara Township found a noose in his work area …