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Discrimination / Harassment

More bad noose at NC State


A noose made of toilet paper was found in a restroom stall in a maintenance building at North Carolina State University in Raleigh. An employee discovered the 10-inch noose hanging from a stall door in the Sullivan Shops building, which is used primarily by staff …

Justified firing doesn’t mean employee can’t show harassment


Sometimes, a problem employee claims harassment as a way to protect herself from legitimate discipline. When that happens, it may be tempting to ignore such claims on the presumption they are bogus. It may be tempting to dismiss her complaints as much ado about nothing. But you’ll ignore her at your own peril …

Second chance for problem employee? Monitor closely


Sometimes, workplace rules conspire to give a second chance to a problem employee with a history of harassment or intimidation. If you don’t carefully monitor the second-chance worker’s behavior, chances are the inappropriate conduct will rear its ugly head again. Then, in addition to harassment and discrimination liabilities, you may be on the hook for negligent supervision, too …

Arbitration agreements must be specific and conspicuous


If, like many employers, you want to avoid the risk of a jury trial or a judge’s unpredictable decision, you may have considered requiring employees to agree to use arbitration to settle workplace disputes. But if the agreement doesn’t conform to New Jersey’s contract laws, you may end up spending time and money defending the agreement instead of arbitrating disputes …

Paulsboro High settles suit with principal over searches


Paulsboro High School has settled a gender discrimination lawsuit with its former principal, Lucia Pollino, who was suspended for six months with pay in April 2007 over allegations she let students be strip-searched …

Does Title VII apply to small employers?


Q. A former employee has brought a charge of racial discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. I employ 10 people. Will I have to defend this claim? …

How to conduct third-Party investigation without tipping off alleged harasser


Q. I have received a complaint from one of my employees alleging sexual harassment by a supervisor in my HR department. I want to bring in an independent investigator, but I’m concerned I’ll have to notify the subject of the investigation. I’ve heard that the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires me to notify employees before investigating these types of complaints through a third party. Obviously, this would make things uncomfortable for the employee who filed the complaint. Does the FCRA’s notice requirement apply to a sexual harassment investigation? …

Ability to conceive irrelevant to pregnancy discrimination


The Pregnancy Discrimination Act prohibits discrimination against pregnant women and those who may become pregnant. It also makes it illegal to retaliate against these women. In an interesting twist, the actual ability to become pregnant isn’t particularly relevant as long as the employee who claims discrimination can show her employer thought she might become pregnant …

Overturning human rights commission decisions is an uphill battle


When defending the termination of an employee who has filed a complaint with a local human rights commission, you must take the commission’s process seriously. Always get your attorney involved early, so you can defend yourself during the crucial initial stages. And don’t count on getting the commission’s findings overturned on appeal. Indiana courts have shown they won’t readily overrule commission conclusions …

Supervisors who say ‘What happens here, stays here’ invite retaliation claims


Sometimes managers want to handle problems themselves and not involve the HR department or others in the chain of command. But telling employees to keep quiet and not complain to higher-ups actually may amount to retaliation. Threats and warnings, standing alone with no actual consequences, may be “materially adverse employment actions” when retaliation is the charge …