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Discrimination / Harassment

Charging falsification? Make sure you can back up claim

Employees who don’t follow company rules should be disciplined and possibly terminated. But employers must make sure they can back up their claims. Otherwise, they may face lawsuits if the fired employees belong to a protected class …

Spotty promotion, training systems? Prepare for class action

The rise of class actions makes it essential for HR professionals to explore exactly how their companies dole out training and promotion opportunities. If individual supervisors or managers have too much discretion, there may be trouble ahead. An “old boy” network may be alive and well …

Supersensitive employees? Don’t treat with kid gloves

Don’t let fear of litigation allow one or two supersensitive employees to squash reasonable criticism and destroy workplace morale. Take, for example, an employee who happens to be a member of a protected class (e.g., race, gender or disability) and always seems to believe that supervisors are singling him out …

Quell the rumor mill while internal investigations progress

Do you have safeguards to protect confidentiality while you conduct internal investigations of sexual harassment and other employee complaints? If not, you should. If an employer is careless and allows word of the allegations to get out to people who have no reason to know about them, the employer may face defamation claims …

Inequitably reducing or denying bonus may be retaliation

As employers, we would like to think employees would be grateful for bonuses no matter the amount. But employees may perceive a smaller than expected bonus (or a bonus denied) as retaliation for engaging in protected activity …

Include staff self-Assessment in evaluation process

When an employee sues for an alleged discriminatory firing, the court will want to see the employee’s evaluation. A sterling evaluation and high praise quickly cast doubt on a termination supposedly based on poor performance. How, then, can you encourage honest evaluations? Have employees identify their own weaknesses and address those in their performance evaluations …

Rolled eyes may be rude, but they’re not retaliation

When employees raise the same gripes over and over, it’s sometimes hard to take them seriously. It can be particularly frustrating if those complaints include discrimination claims, when management is sure no discrimination has taken place. Aggravated bosses, take heart! It may not be a management best practice to show your frustration with baseless complaints, but it isn’t likely to lead to a retaliation lawsuit …

Involved in pre-Termination hearing? Follow the rules

Here’s a worry for public employees who find themselves assigned to participate in pre-termination hearings: If you don’t follow the hearing rules, you just might lose the qualified immunity you ordinarily have for employment decisions—and wind up being sued personally …

Even vague EEOC complaints can get a trial

Courts generally bend over backward to make sure employees get their day in court. Employers can’t count on courts to toss out vague complaints. That’s why it pays to take every EEOC complaint seriously. As soon as you get wind of a complaint, contact your attorneys right away …

All other things being equal, bad attitude may be justification for layoff

Ordinarily, employers should be leery of considering subjective factors when making employment decisions. Objective measures such as surpassing sales quotas, meeting quantitative goals and finishing assigned projects are the best measures for gauging employees. But sometimes you have to make tough decisions …