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Discrimination / Harassment

After discrimination complaint, be sure to document any potential disciplinary moves

State and federal laws protect employees who file discrimination complaints from retaliation for making those complaints. That’s why it’s a good idea to make sure you carefully document any disciplinary moves that occur after an employee has complained of discrimination …

‘Boys will be boys’ won’t excuse harassment

A group of black construction workers filed a race discrimination and retaliation claim with the EEOC. They complained of racist graffiti, demeaning language and their tools being stolen. The employer tried to shrug it off, basically arguing that construction sites are by nature crude and mean-spirited workplaces …

Open inquiry protects against firing bias

Coca-Cola fired Dudley Thompson, who is black and from Jamaica, for not following company protocol when he went on vacation to the island—he failed to put his vacation request in writing and arrange for shift coverage …

Jamba Juice mixed up in sexual harassment blender

The EEOC has filed suit against California-based fruit smoothie retailer Jamba Juice, alleging the company allowed one of its managers to sexually harass several female employees. The EEOC says the company disciplined the manager, but then promoted him two months later … 

‘Association discrimination’: A new frontier for HR?

You know it’s illegal under Title VII to discriminate against employees based on their race, sex, age and other protected characteristics. But a smattering of new court cases seem to expand that protection further—and create a new employment-law risk …

Effort to extend statute of limitation for filing pay-Bias lawsuits fails in Congress

Federal anti-discrimination law gives employees either 180 or 300 days (depending on the state they live in) from the time of an alleged unlawful practice to file an employment discrimination claim with the EEOC. A bill pushed by Democrats this year would have changed the 180/300 days statute of limitation in pay discrimination cases in a more employee-friendly way …

Must you give employees Sundays off for ‘TV church’?


If employees ask for Sundays off from work for religious reasons, must they attend services in an actual church or synagogue that day? A new court ruling clarifies that the answer is “no” …

The HR I.Q. Test: June ’08

Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, comp & benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz …

Pre-Employment tests: Do yours meet the new EEOC guidelines?

In December, the EEOC issued new guidance on employment tests and selection procedures under three laws: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The key to complying is to make sure each employment test is directly job-related and focuses on business necessity …

OK to fire and then investigate—But be consistent

It’s legitimate to discipline or fire employees who behave badly. But employers that mandate suspension or termination for rule violations must apply the policy to everyone who violates the same rule. Then they should follow up with a prompt and thorough investigation into exactly what happened …