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Discrimination / Harassment

Review disciplinary records to uncover hidden supervisory discrimination

Before discharging an employee for violating a rule, make sure that he or she really did commit an infraction. Be particularly alert for the possibility that a supervisor might have tried to manipulate the rules to get an employee to break one.

Ignore man’s harassment claim at your peril

About 16% of all sexual harassment complaints the EEOC receives each year are filed by men who claim women harassed them at work. As this case shows, ignoring female-on-male harassment can be costly.

DOL seeks $400 million for Oracle pay bias

A federal court in California began hearing testimony Dec. 5 in a lawsuit that claims software giant Oracle underpaid current and former workers by more than $400 million while they worked on government contracts over the course of four years.

Smiley Dental supervisor frowned on pregnancy

Smiley Dental in Dallas has agreed to settle EEOC pregnancy discrimination charges that arose after a receptionist informed her boss she was pregnant a month after being hired.

Halliburton settles charges of race, national origin bias

Energy industry supplier Halliburton has agreed to settle charges it discriminated against two workers because of their national origin and religion.

Isolated comments don’t add up to harassment

A few isolated comments of an arguably sexual nature aren’t enough to support a hostile work environment lawsuit. To make that case, an employee who quits and sues would have to show that a hypothetical reasonable employee would have done the same to escape the hostile environment.

Trying to encourage resignation can backfire

Some supervisors mistakenly believe that it won’t have any consequences if they can convince an employee to quit. That’s not true.

EEOC pending charges at 13-year low

The EEOC reduced its inventory of pending private-sector charges by 12.1% in fiscal year 2019.

Witnessing discrimination doesn’t justify lawsuit

Under California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act, everyone in the state is entitled to equal rights in all California businesses. Does that mean a bystander to discriminatory conduct has the right to sue? The answer is no.

FEHA retaliation must be tied to legit FEHA claim

Workers who complain about discrimination that’s illegal under California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act are protected from retaliation. Making an initial complaint qualifies as protected activity. But not every complaint is protected.