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Discrimination / Harassment

Take it seriously when employee yells, ‘Stop!’


Employees who suffer reprisals after complaining about possible discrimination or harassment can sue for retaliation. But they can do so only if they can show they “engaged in protected activity”—that is, that they told their employer about the alleged discrimination or harassment.

Something’s fishy in aftermath of Tampa discrimination trial


Trevor Johnston, who served on a jury last April that awarded to a former employee of Ernie Haire Ford $5.8 million for age discrimination, claims someone from the Tampa dealership later offered him a bribe to report juror misconduct.

Safety Harbor employee wins discrimination judgment


A Tampa jury awarded $60,000 to Geno Baker, a former maintenance worker in the Safety Harbor Public Works Department, for race discrimination he suffered during his 14-year career with the department.

Sterling Jewelers faces EEOC class-action discrimination suit


Eight women from the Tampa Bay area have joined an EEOC class-action lawsuit against Sterling Jewelers, owner of Jared, Kay Jewelers and Marks & Morgan stores. The lawsuit alleges that Sterling pays women in retail sales positions less than men and denies them promotions …

FGCU discrimination settlement unsettles athletics department


Carl McAloose, the former Florida Gulf Coast University athletic director, said it only took him “about five seconds” to decide to resign after he heard the university had agreed to settle with Holly Vaughn, former women’s golf coach, and Jaye Flood, former women’s volleyball coach.

Track all discipline to show unbiased process


The key to a sound discipline policy is equal treatment for all who commit similar offenses. You can’t decide to treat some employees more leniently than others without very good reason. And you’d better nail down that reason at the time you make the decision—not months or years later, after another employee has sued.

Suit: Times Square waitresses had to serve more than drinks


Four women who once worked at Hawaiian Tropic Zone—the Times Square restaurant that The Gothamist says “makes Hooters look like Chuck E. Cheese”—have filed a $600 million lawsuit claiming supervisors forced female employees to have sex.

Make it there, make it anywhere: Don’t let NYC’s tough bias rules beat you


If you have employees or operations in New York City, your sexual harassment and discrimination policies must reflect the strict rules employers are required to follow under the New York City Human Rights Law. It all adds up to a challenging HR environment. Your best bet in New York City—adopt a zero-tolerance policy for any sort of sexual, racial or other harassment.

Stop class-action train wrecks! Let local offices set salaries and raises


The worst-case scenario for a large company with operations in many locations: A class-action lawsuit alleging discrimination against an entire class of employees. One way to discourage such massive lawsuits is to let managers at separate locations keep substantial control over setting salaries and raises.

Was color an issue in search for ‘Abercrombie look’?


Dulzia Burchette, a black former saleswoman for Abercrombie & Fitch, is suing the company, claiming racial discrimination and harassment. Burchette says she was harassed when she came to work at the company’s Fifth Avenue store with blonde highlights in her hair.