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Discrimination / Harassment

Give all employees a shot at advancement


If some of your managers and supervisors steer career and business opportunities to favored subordinates and keep others from finding out about them, watch out. If those missed opportunities wind up depriving employees of potential financial rewards, that could lead to discrimination lawsuits.

Document rationale for rejecting every job applicant—and stick with it


Before you reject a candidate who appears to meet the basic requirements for an open position, make sure you can explain your decision. Then document your rationale in case he or she later claims the real reason for the rejection was some form of discrimination.

OK to reject applicant who volunteers that disability can’t be accommodated


If an applicant discloses a disability and says she can’t perform the job’s essential functions even with an accommodation, you can turn her down. You don’t have to second-guess her assessment and look for a reasonable accommodation.

Sometimes a personality conflict is nothing more


Some supervisors like some subordinates more than others. As long as any personality conflict isn’t based on some protected characteristic such as age, race or sex, there is no need to worry that treating some employees more harshly than others will result in a winning lawsuit for the employee.

CAIR reports rise in religious discrimination complaints


The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) reports that bias complaints by Muslim workers increased by 18% in 2007, reaching a record 452 cases. Complaints by Muslim job applicants also rose by 34%.

Our applicant turns out to be a transgender—can we revoke the job offer?


Q. Our company has just made a job offer to a highly qualified man to work in our company’s IT department. During the final stages of our interviewing process, the candidate told us that “she” is transgendered —that she would be transitioning from male to female. We believe employing a transgender employee could be very disruptive and cause a morale problem in the company. Can we rescind the offer based on the candidate’s transgender status?

New president, new Congress: 5 new employment laws could reshape HR


When Barack Obama takes office in January, get ready for the most sweeping employment-law changes the HR world has seen in years. Attorney Mike Fox walks you through the legislation likely to reshape HR, possibly even in the first 100 days of the Obama administration. Here’s how to prepare.

Cutting senior staff to save salary costs? Check impact on older workers


One way to reduce your labor budget is to terminate staff members who are paid the most and replace them with employees who earn less. But be careful before you implement a layoff based on seniority.

Kroger Company accused of race discrimination


Luther Spears worked for the Kroger Company for 24 years. He repeatedly applied for management positions in the produce department, but was never promoted. Meanwhile, Spears, who is black, trained younger white employees who were promoted over him. Spears finally filed a complaint with the EEOC …

HR and the bailout: Bill includes key mental health coverage


The massive $700 billion financial rescue bill that President Bush signed into law on Oct. 3 contained dozens of measures that have nothing to do with bailing out Wall Street or shoring up credit markets. Among them: long-awaited legislation that bans health insurers from imposing stricter limits on coverage for mental health and substance-use conditions than those set for other health problems.