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Discrimination / Harassment

Restaurateur forks over $240K of own money for harassment

The principal owner of West Village hot spot The Spotted Pig has agreed to pay 11 former employees $240,000—and a share of his profits over the next 10 years—to settle sexual harassment charges.

Ugly behavior not necessarily harassment

When unpleasant behavior comes to light, it’s important to step back and calmly analyze the facts. If the alleged acts aren’t pervasive or severe, it’s probably not actionable sexual harassment.

‘OK, boomer’: Supreme Court tackles age bias

At issue: Whether a federal government employee’s bias claim can prevail if she proves that age discrimination played any role at all in an adverse employment decision.

Demonstrate good faith by keeping thorough notes detailing your investigations

Judges don’t want to second-guess employer decisions. But they do want to see that employers act in good faith when they terminate workers. That makes it essential to document every investigation that might lead to a firing.

When documenting discipline, note all details

When an employee files a lawsuit alleging discriminatory discipline, she will point to other employees outside her protected class who were treated more leniently. It’s critical for employers to document the details that distinguish one case from another.

Settlement with EEOC puts Compass Group on right path

Compass Group USA, a food service company that operates a dining facility at the University of Texas’ Medical Branch in Galveston, has settled an EEOC sex discrimination lawsuit for $10,000.

Beat potential discrimination lawsuits by documenting rationale for reorganizing

Employees whose jobs are eliminated during a reorganization sometimes suspect that they got the axe because of some discriminatory reason. Then they sue. But employers don’t have to worry too much about those lawsuits—if they have documented the underlying reasons for the reorganization.

Oilfield firms pay $1.2 million to settle race bias charges

Nabors Corporate Services and its successor, C&J Well Services, both oil-industry firms based in Houston, have agreed to pay a class of nine black workers and one white worker $1.2 million to settle race discrimination and retaliation charges.

Check employee’s EEOC filings for missed deadlines

Employers should always check EEOC complaints to make sure the deadline was met. If more than 300 days have passed, and the employee still sues, you can usually get the case tossed out.

OK to expect better behavior from managers

While a subordinate might be excused for a minor rule breach, his supervisor could legitimately be disciplined for breaking the same rule. Just make sure your handbook outlines this greater expectation.