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Discrimination / Harassment

Using subjective hiring factors? Make sure you can clearly explain later


Here’s an important reminder to managers and supervisors who interview candidates and use subjective characteristics to make hiring and promotion decisions: They’d better be able to explain exactly what led them to make the decisions they made. Interviewers should keep careful notes, including the specific questions they asked, as well as how the candidate answered the question.

Warn supervisors not to react to EEOC complaint


It may be tough, but supervisors must avoid the temptation to lash out when they learn that a subordinate has filed an EEOC or other discrimination claim. Tell them not to discuss the matter with the employee. Instead, let HR and the lawyers handle the problem. It isn’t worth the risk of triggering a retaliation claim.

Gainesville votes to keep gay discrimination ban


Gainesville’s broad anti-discrimination ordinance survived a referendum that would have stripped all protections for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender residents. Over 58% of those voting elected to keep the existing ordinance.

Don’t let counterclaim stop investigation


It’s fairly common for someone accused of sexual harassment to counter that, in reality, he was the one who was being harassed. Then he gives HR a detailed complaint and a lengthy list of people to interview. Don’t let this tactic dissuade you. Instead, complete your investigation just as you would any other.

Lost in translation: Remind foreign managers about U.S. age discrimination laws


Discrimination at work is perfectly legal in some countries, and foreign-born managers and executives who work for U.S. employers may sometimes say things that show ignorance of U.S. laws. Those words can come back to haunt an employer that is sued for age discrimination.

Use proactive process to stop little digs from adding up to hostile environment


When it comes to a racially hostile environment, management must stay on top of the situation. As soon as anyone in HR or upper management gets even the slightest hint that hostile bias has reared its head on the front line, jump into action.

Watch out! Firing employee who needs maternity leave may be sex discrimination


It’s time to check your policy on maternity leave. An Ohio appeals court has ruled that it may be discrimination if you don’t provide maternity leave to employees who don’t qualify for your usual leave plan because they haven’t been on the job long enough.

It’s possible for worker to have more than one ’employer’


Don’t think that because your organization doesn’t have direct control over some workers, you’re not their “employer” under federal law. Simply put, you’re probably the employer if you assign projects, control the means by which assignments are completed, specify the skills required, control how the work is done and hire and decide how much to pay the worker.

Dayton settles race discrimination suit with DOJ


The city of Dayton and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) have agreed to settle a race discrimination suit over the city’s hiring practices at its police and fire departments.

‘Dinosaur’ talk can revive extinct lawsuit


Sometimes, one or two stupid comments are all it takes to fuel a lawsuit. Take, for example, talk that could be construed as ageist. It isn’t unusual to hear managers and supervisors throw around the word “dinosaur” or use the term “fresh blood” to describe changes to the workforce. Is it code for age discrimination?