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Discrimination / Harassment

Shield complainer during harassment probe


When a supervisor allegedly harasses a subordinate, all kinds of things can go wrong. But handled improperly, all fingers often point to employer liability. That’s why it’s vital to act quickly on any subordinate complaint.

Discipline ‘protected’ employee—but document why you treated similar offenses differently


When it comes to discipline, the primary rule is to treat similar rule violations alike. That means you’ll have to punish all kinds of people for misbehaving, even if they’re members of a protected class. Don’t hesitate to do so if their behavior warrants it.

Courts say, ‘Enough!’: Employees must file all related claims at same time


Courts are cracking down on serial lawsuits, and the result is good news for employers. A former employee who sues and then loses his case can’t keep coming up with new claims to base new lawsuits on. If the new claims are based on the same set of facts—even if they involve an entirely different legal angle—courts are ruling the claims should have been brought together.

Beware retaliation suits even after employee’s gone


If you think your liability ends when an employee leaves, think again. Employers can still be liable for retaliation if the employee complained about bias before she left and now claims you withheld compensation.

4 discriminatory hiring practices will lure EEOC to your door


Since 2007, the EEOC has been engaged in a major push to stamp out race-based discrimination in hiring. Known as E-RACE, the initiative’s goal is to “eliminate recruiting and hiring practices that lead to discrimination by limiting an employer’s applicant pool.” When targeting employers for enforcement action, the EEOC often zeroes in on four recruitment and screening practices:

Fort Worth extends bias protection to transgenders


On Nov. 10, the Fort Worth City Council voted to amend the city’s anti-discrimination ordinance to include discrimination based on transgender status, gender identity, or gender expression. Fort Worth now joins Austin, Dallas and El Paso as the only Texas cities banning such discrimination.

Noose, slurs lead women to sue for discrimination


Two former employees of Trey Industries are suing the commercial construction company, claiming they were fired after complaining about racism they experienced while working at a Marathon Oil facility in Texas City.

After the deluge: Hurricane Ike washes up an age bias lawsuit


A former employee of the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston has filed a lawsuit alleging he was fired last year because of his age. Thomas Galan claims he was let go at the age of 53 after Hurricane Ike forced UTMB to temporarily shut down in September 2008 and lay off hundreds of employees.

Worker complained of bias? Discipline with care


Employees who complain about alleged discrimination are protected from retaliation for doing so, even if it turns out that their discrimination claims don’t hold water. The idea is that employees shouldn’t have to fear reprisal if they complain internally about discrimination or go to the EEOC. If one of your employees files a discrimination complaint, be careful how you discipline him for any workplace rule-breaking.

Justify different penalties for like violations


When it comes to discipline, equal treatment is the only safe way to go since you don’t know which employees might sue for alleged discrimination based on membership in a protected class. That doesn’t mean, of course, that you can’t come up with different punishments when the circumstances warrant. The key is to document why you punished one employee more severely for seemingly similar rule violations.