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Discrimination / Harassment

Simple culture of civility and respect can wind up saving sky-high legal fees

Want to avoid needless and ex­­pensive lawsuits? One good place to start is by encouraging respect and civility. That’s because sometimes hurt feelings are enough to spur a lawsuit.

Oyster Bay cracks, agrees to settle pension lawsuit

The Oyster Bay Fire Department on Long Island has agreed to settle an EEOC class-action age discrimi­nation suit that alleges that older firefighters illegally lost out on pension benefits.

Document your consistently fair practices


Much as you would like to, you can’t control every statement that comes out of supervisors’ mouths. Someday, someone somewhere within your organization will utter an ethnic comment or slur. That doesn’t have to become the basis for a successful lawsuit—as long as you have a track record of treating all employees fairly.

Texas agency slapped with federal discrimination lawsuit

The U.S. Department of Justice is suing the Texas Depart­­ment of Family and Protective Serv­­ices for race and gender discrimination, alleging that supervisors regularly harassed a black employee and later wrongly fired him.

EEOC flips switch on harassment suit against Philips Lighting

The EEOC is suing Philips Lighting, alleging that it allowed a woman who worked in its Dallas warehouse to endure severe sexual harassment.

Court: 180-day deadline to file state bias claims is firm

The Court of Appeals of Texas has ruled that the 180-day deadline for filing state discrimination charges should be strictly enforced. Em­­ployees who file late are out of luck.

Committee choosing employees for promotion? Insist on complete record of selection factors

It’s hard picking which employees to promote and which ones to pass over, especially when a committee must make the decision. The HR professional overseeing the selection process should get proactive by insisting that the committee document the proc­­ess.

EEOC: Something fishy about Bass Pro’s hiring patterns

An EEOC lawsuit claims the Bass Pro Shops outdoor sporting goods retailer has been discriminating against black and Hispanic job applicants since at least 2005. The alleged reason: Minority employees wouldn’t fit the stores’ “corporate profile.”

Make bosses justify hiring, promotion choices

Insist that all those involved in the hiring process document why they chose the candidate they did. That way, if a hiring manager inadvertently used hiring criteria that may have had the appearance of being biased, you can use those alternative reasons to de­­fend against a discrimination lawsuit.

Even stupid remark won’t sink legitimate discharge case

Supervisors sometimes say incredibly dumb things. But those remarks won’t necessarily create liability—if you have carefully documented employee performance.