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Discrimination / Harassment

Sexual harassment within HR demands alternative reporting system

No department is immune from sexual harassment—not even HR. And when someone in HR is implicated, that’s a big problem.

Goodyear settles suit alleging disability bias in Fayetteville

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. has paid $20,000 to a former employee at its factory in Fayetteville who claims she was fired because of a medical condition.

Remind bosses: No comments about ethnicity

There are some things supervisors just shouldn’t say even in jest—including anything concerning race, national origin or any other protected characteristic. Comments on those topics regularly come back to haunt employers when employees file discrimination lawsuits.

Ensure business need for literacy requirement


Do you require basic literacy for every job? If so, the EEOC may soon be knocking on your door. The agency has just won the right to rifle through an employer’s files for job descriptions to justify a broad literacy requirement.

How to change pay scales without triggering age bias suits

If you are contemplating changing your compensation structure to re­­flect today’s lean job market, do so carefully—especially if you suspect you may be overpaying some senior employees for the work they do.

Is it legal to terminate a highly paid employee just because he earns so much?


Q. We need to cut costs, and have started to explore trimming our staff, starting with those who earn far more than other employees. Are there any dangers in doing so? Can we legally fire a high-earner because of his salary?

‘Textual’ harassment? OMG! Develop policy B4 you face lawsuit

One of the most dangerous smartphone functions (from the employer perspective) is also one of the simplest: sending text messages. Considering the rise in harassment claims based on texts, employers should develop policies addressing textual harassment in the workplace.

EEOC forces cardiologists to have change of heart

A Western Pennsylvania cardiology practice has agreed to settle EEOC sexual harassment charges alleging that its doctors routinely made sexually offensive and debasing comments to women who worked there.

Fayette County grocer to settle sex harassment beef

A Fayette County grocery store will pay $95,000 to settle four sexual harassment complaints filed by female employees who alleged the store’s meat manager harassed them by constantly making crude remarks and touching them.

Demand immediate stop to demeaning language

Make sure managers and supervisors understand that belittling name-calling has no place in the workplace and won’t be tolerated. Bans on obscenity aren’t enough. You must also stop other sexist terms, such as referring to a woman as “Barbie.”