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Discrimination / Harassment

Going-out-of-business sale price: $80,000 for bias

Genie Temporary Service in La Salle will be closing its doors soon, but not before paying $80,000 to a former temp who the EEOC says was a victim of disability discrimination.

Use rational criteria to make hiring decisions

As long as hiring managers can logically explain why one applicant was selected instead of another, courts probably won’t question the choice.

Investigate or else! When harassment surfaces, HR inquiries and action could be worth millions

If you can’t find a way to end persistent workplace harassment, a court may conclude that your organization acted recklessly in denying an employee’s civil rights. That may mean you’ll owe a huge punitive damages award.

Settlement in Lake Calumet EEOC race bias lawsuit

WRS Compass will pay $2.75 million to settle an EEOC racial discrimination and association lawsuit filed on behalf of workers at the environmental cleanup company’s facility in Lake Calumet.

Graphic designer alleges sexual orientation bias

A former graphic designer for Corporate Graphics Commercial is suing the Mankato company, claiming he was fired for reporting anti-gay harassment by co-workers.

Bosses may be personally liable for harassment

If you are a public employer committed to discouraging sexual har­­assment, make sure your supervisory training covers the topic. In particular, ensure that supervisors know they aren’t immune from liability if they harass a subordinate.

Client gaffe doesn’t create employer liability


Sometimes, customers or clients make inappropriate remarks. How managers respond to those comments is important. Put on the spot, they may be at a loss for words. That may not be ideal, but it isn’t enough to create liability for the employer.

6th Circuit weighs in: What makes a bias complaint protected?

Employees who complain about alleged discrimination are protected from punishment under the so-called opposition clause of Title VII. Not every vague allegation, however, amounts to opposition.

Harassment investigation costs Butler County $45K

Butler County taxpayers now know that hell hath no fury like a court reporter scorned. When a nine-year affair between Judge Michael Sage and court reporter Jennifer Olivier ended, the strain was felt throughout the courthouse.

Prompt investigation cuts co-worker harassment liability

Employers that promptly investigate sexual harassment claims aren’t liable for co-worker harassment.