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Discrimination / Harassment

Sexually hostile environment: 4 red flags

Tangible signs of a potentially hostile environment may be only the tip of the sexual harassment iceberg. Here are four red-flag areas you should monitor:

One negative move after complaint can be retaliation

After an employee files an inter­­nal complaint, HR should review every reassignment or other significant job change. Even one negative move can support a retaliation lawsuit.

EEOC: Even Guardian Angel must honor settlement

Pittsburgh’s Guardian Angel Ambu­­lance Service faces an EEOC lawsuit alleging it breached a previous settlement agreement with a now-deceased former employee.

Series of slights can add up to adverse action

Ordinarily, it takes a discharge, demotion or other serious decision to support a ­discrimination law­­suit. Being fired, demoted or not promoted are so-called adverse employment actions. But even a series of minor employment actions can amount to an adverse action under the right circumstances.

One slur won’t create a hostile environment

Courts don’t expect workplaces to be places of complete harmony—but they do expect employers to take complaints seriously. They want to see that bosses are disciplined when they make offensive comments.

Farmers Insurance sued for race discrimination in Fresno

The EEOC claims managers at a Farmers Insurance Exchange office in Fresno scapegoated two Asian-American adjusters after an improper coding scandal came to light. It also asserts a white adjuster was fired in retaliation for cooperating with the EEOC’s investigation.

Madera farm faces charges of sexual harassment by bosses

The EEOC has filed suit against Madera-based Zoria Farms and its predecessor company, alleging it fired several women after they complained of rampant sexual harassment.

Assigning temporary additional duties? Beware salary creep that could violate EPA

As employers continue to try doing more with less, employees sometimes find themselves handling additional duties and responsibilities. That can cause real problems if it results in female employees doing extra work, and they wind up being paid less than male co-workers.

Southland temp agency sued for men-only policy

When female workers sought temporary jobs at a warehouse, they were told that the temp agency, Los Angeles-based Industrial Labor Man­­age­­ment Group (ILM), was only hiring men for the positions. The women complained to the EEOC, which is now suing the firm for sex discrimination.

When employees violate anti-violence policy, make sure everyone is disciplined equally

Nothing will get you in trouble faster than discipline that’s harsher for members of some classes than others. That’s especially true in cases where someone has been accused of violating anti-violence policies.