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Discrimination / Harassment

When employees help sick relatives, beware disability association discrimination

Employers that discriminate against employees who “associate” with disabled individuals face potential liability under the Cali­­for­­nia Fair Employ­­ment and Hous­­ing Act (FEHA). This kind of discrimination comes in many forms.

How to prevent hostile environment claims


Employers confronted with sexual harassment claims generally do one of two things: either ignore the problem and hope it goes away or face it head on. Ignoring it is, of course, the wrong decision.

Minnesota bans the box: What it means for employers

Minne­sota is joining a number of other states in prohibiting em­­­­­­ployers from asking job applicants about their criminal records prior to a job interview. Here’s what you need to know about Minnesota’s new “ban the box” law.

Testifying for fellow employee in race case provides retaliation protection

Employees who testify in an internal investigation, an agency in­­vestigation or in court are protected from retaliation whether or not they belong to the same protected classification as the employee whose case their testimony supports.

Train and track to beat harassment lawsuits

Employers aren’t required to prevent all harassment—just to stop it when it happens and take reasonable preventive steps. Two of those: Providing anti-harassment training to every employee and tracking who gets that training.

One supervisor slur typically won’t equal a ‘hostile’ workplace

Courts don’t expect workplaces to be places of complete harmony. However, they do expect employers to take complaints seriously. They want to see that employees are disciplined when they make offensive comments.

Use formal hiring and promotion process to protect against discrimination suits

Job-seekers who know how to apply for open positions can’t claim discrimination unless they can also show they followed the process. At the same time, a standard process lets employers track applications and easily show a judge why someone didn’t get the job she sought.

Chronic complainer? Ignore her at your peril

Handle every complaint the same way, no matter the source. Don’t fail to investigate just because an employee has cried wolf in the past.

OK to discipline worker who has complained, but be sure you can justify your decision

Courts don’t want to tie management’s hands; they just want to protect employees from genuine retaliation. That’s why the standard for retaliation is anything that would dissuade a reasonable worker from complaining in the first place. Most minor discipline doesn’t reach that level.

Race discrimination: Using independent contractors won’t earn you amnesty

Don’t assume that just because a worker is an independent contractor, he can’t sue you when his contract isn’t renewed. While he may not be able to sue under Title VII for various forms of discrimination, he can still sue for alleged racial discrimination under Section 1981 of the original Civil Rights Act.