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Discrimination / Harassment

Believe it or not, you still have to say it: Managers can’t express racial preferences

By now, you might think no manager would be so stupid as to openly state their reluctance to hire someone of a particular race. Believe it or not, it still happens. When it does, that’s when expensive and time-consuming litigation begins.

San Diego temp agencies settle multiple bias complaints

Sedona Staffing and several associated firms have agreed to settle a flurry of discrimination charges with the EEOC.

Cite solid reason for termination to beat bias lawsuit based on statistical argument

Employers that always have a clear and solid business reason for discharging employees seldom lose discrimination cases. That’s because even if a protected class member is affected, it’s very hard to counter the employer’s claim it terminated the employee for legitimate nondiscriminatory reasons.

Harassment complaint? Terminate with care!

Good news if you’re worried about firing an employee who has filed a sexual harassment complaint. If your investigation concludes the complaining worker was also partly at fault, he won’t be able to win a wrongful discharge case—unless he can prove that his underlying complaint was a “substantial motivating reason” for his termination.

Recruiting/Screening Practices


HR Law 101: In 2007, the EEOC introduced E-RACE, an initiative for “Eradicating Racism And Colorism from Employment.” The initiative’s goal: to eliminate recruiting and hiring practices that lead to discrimination by limiting an employer’s applicant pool. The EEOC noted that the makeup of an employer’s workforce is “highly dependent on how and where the employer looks for candidates.”

Job Applications


HR Law 101: Most organizations ask candidates to fill out a job application. Make sure that yours meets federal, state and local requirements. Don’t ask for information that could be considered discriminatory …

IRCA: Hiring Immigrants


HR Law 101: Two laws govern U.S. immigration policy: the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 and the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986, which was amended in 1990. For each new employee hired, U.S. employers must complete a Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification. The I-9 establishes the employee’s identity and legal work status.

Discrimination hotline won’t protect against lawsuit

Merely creating a hotline for reporting discrimination isn’t enough to protect an employer against harassment and discrimination claims.

Cargill Meat Solutions settles discrimination charges

Cargill Meat Solutions, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Minneapolis-based Cargill Inc., has settled race and sex discrimination charges with the federal government. The DOL’s Office of Fed­­eral Contract Compliance Pro­­grams investigated the firm’s hiring practices at facilities in Spring­­dale, Ark., Fort Morgan, Colo., and Beards­­town, Ill., between 2005 and 2009.

Investigate all allegations of harassment, even those made by poor performers


Just because an employee is doing a lousy job doesn’t mean she isn’t also being sexually harassed. Ignoring her complaints and focusing strictly on her performance may backfire if you terminate her. A jury may decide that harassment affected her performance or that, even if you fired her for legitimate reasons, she deserves compensation for the har­­ass­­ment she endured.