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Discrimination / Harassment

Harassment charges can lead to defamation litigation

Sometimes employers find themselves in impossible situations. Take, for example, what can happen when an employee accuses another of sexual harassment.

DOL releases new sex bias guidance for contractors

For the first time in more than 40 years, the U.S. Department of Labor has issued new sex discrimination regulations for federal contractors.

Isolated slur isn’t grounds for harassment lawsuit

You can’t control every employee all the time—and you surely can’t control what comes out of their mouths.

Ignoring legal paperwork, prepare to write a check

Don’t be so sure that a lawsuit filed by a disgruntled former employee without a lawyer’s help won’t go anywhere.

Female/male pay disparity? Prepare for court

The White House and the Department of Labor have both come up with aggressive plans to highlight female/male pay disparities.

Customer race preference? Prepare for court

Before you honor a customer’s race preference, remember that doing so could expose you to liability for racial discrimination.

Restaurant settles same-sex harassment charges for $27,500

Achiote Restaurant in San Ysidro will pay $27,500 to settle an EEOC sexual harassment case that arose when young men working at the restaurant complained about a male manager secretly videotaping them in the bathroom.

Cal coach criticized for slow response to sexual harassment

The University of California-Berkeley has promised to look more closely into charges its head basketball coach Cuonzo Martin moved too slowly to inform university officials that assistant coach Yann Hufnagel had sexually harassed a female reporter covering the team.

Transfer won’t be considered adverse if duties don’t substantially change

Want to transfer an employee to give her a fresh start after settling an informal complaint? As long as her job remains essentially the same and the position isn’t radically different, such a move probably won’t be viewed as retaliation or another instance of discrimination.

Lawyer hoped for Philly, had to settle for Harrisburg

Some federal courts may be perceived as more favorable to employees because of the demographic pool from which they draw jurors.