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Discrimination / Harassment

Two new HR issues in N.Y.: Association bias & disloyal employees

There have been two recent developments in New York of particular interest to HR professionals.

NYC human rights commission recognizes 31 genders

The list includes terms such as “androgynous,” “gender bender,” “gender gifted,” “third sex” and “pangender.”

Fired Muslim cop sues NYPD over beard ultimatum

A 10-year veteran of the New York Police Department is suing after being fired for refusing to shave his beard.

EEOC settles landmark sexual orientation case

Lesbian former employee sued saying she had been harassed because of her sexual orientation and fired in retaliation for complaining about it.

EEOC guidance targets national origin bias

The EEOC has released a draft of new national origin discrimination guidance, updating the document for the first time since shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Snapshot: Prevalence of EEOC harassment charges


The EEOC received more than 28,000 harassment charges in Fiscal Year 2015.

Lubbock settles suit alleging police hiring bias

The city of Lubbock has settled a U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit alleging that written and physical exams for Lubbock police jobs discriminated against Hispanic and female applicants.

Harassment charges can lead to defamation litigation

Sometimes employers find themselves in impossible situations. Take, for example, what can happen when an employee accuses another of sexual harassment.

DOL releases new sex bias guidance for contractors

For the first time in more than 40 years, the U.S. Department of Labor has issued new sex discrimination regulations for federal contractors.

Isolated slur isn’t grounds for harassment lawsuit

You can’t control every employee all the time—and you surely can’t control what comes out of their mouths.