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Discrimination / Harassment

Tough economy no excuse for pay bias

The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that an economic downturn cannot be used as an excuse to justify continuing unequal pay under the Equal Pay Act.

EEOC weighs in: Most sexual harassment training doesn’t work

The EEOC receives over 30,000 harassment complaints each year, and that may just be the tip of the iceberg. One EEOC-com­­missioned survey found that three out of four employees who experience harassment never complain through their employer’s established channels.

The O’Reilly Factor: Claw backs and the ‘faithless servant’

In the world of controversial show host Bill O’Reilly, personal responsibility has given way to excuses and coddling, prompting the question: Where is good, old-fashioned comeuppance when it is needed? In O’Reilly’s case, we now have an answer to that question.

Gay employee can claim bias based on gender stereotyping

Courts are currently working out whether discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is sex discrimination under Title VII. However, that’s not the only way to challenge anti-gay bias.

Forbid reinstatement when settling lawsuits

Be sure to consider all the ramifications of settling an employee’s discrimination lawsuit, especially if the settlement includes reinstatement. An employee who comes back to work for you could turn right around and sue you again if he believed you are continuing to discriminate.

No fury like a (pregnant) woman scorned

A Florida insurance brokerage has agreed to pay $100,000 and change its policies to settle charges it discriminated against a job applicant because of her pregnancy.

Appeals courts split on Title VII sexual orientation discrimination

The 2nd and 7th Circuits have recently issued conflicting rulings, with the 2nd Circuit holding that sexual orientation discrimination is not sex discrimination within the meaning of Title VII, and the 7th Circuit holding the opposite.

Employee doesn’t have to follow every step in your harassment complaint procedure

Don’t think setting up a multiple-path complaint process lets you off the hook. Even if an employee neglects to take her complaint “up the organization chart,” you are still responsible for stopping harassment that you find out about.

Feel free to set tough harassment standards

When it comes to responding to sexual harassment, courts give employers considerable leeway. That doesn’t mean you can’t set extremely strict rules on your own.

Accommodate religion during onboarding

Everyone knows it’s illegal to discriminate based on religion when hiring, and that employers must reasonably accommodate religious practices once employees begin working. Not as well-known is the need for religious accommodation during onboarding.