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Discrimination / Harassment

Public policy claim gives new life to bias suit

Under California state law, an em­­ployee can allege a public policy wrongful discharge claim against her employer for some form of discrimination even if she can’t pursue a direct discrimination claim.

‘Manspreading’: Obnoxious, but not necessarily harassment

While some behavior may make others uncomfortable, that doesn’t automatically mean the offended worker has a sexual or other harassment case.

Receiving a poor performance review: Not necessarily harassment

Here’s some good news for HR professionals and supervisors trying to manage the workforce: You don’t have to worry that ordinary functions like putting together performance reviews and making hiring and firing decisions will somehow be misconstrued as harassment.

40% of LGBT employees report workplace bullying

Forty percent of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender workers report feeling bullied at work, 11 percentage points higher than the national average for workers in general.

Snapshot: Sexual harassment costs tens of millions per year

Since fiscal year 2010, the EEOC has collected an average of $42.2 million per year on behalf of sexual harassment victims.

Worker must object to harassment before suing

When harassment isn’t obvious in the workplace, the worker who later claims to have been harassed has an obligation to at least complain and tell the aggressor his behavior is unwelcome. Make sure you warn supervisors to guard against such attitudes.

3rd Circuit rules reduction in work hours following complaint may be retaliation

It is crucial for HR to follow up regularly with a worker who has complained of discrimination to see if she has any possible retaliation to report. Something seemingly as minor as a changed schedule or slightly reduced hours can be grounds for a retaliation lawsuit.

EEOC changes tactics on sexual orientation

The EEOC has begun arguing that acting against someone who fails to conform to gender stereotypes is a form of sex discrimination.

Being rude isn’t a protected ethnic trait


Here’s a reminder to stick with solid explanations when documenting discipline. If you have facts to back up your decision, an employee’s spurious claim of some sort of discrimination likely will be dismissed.

Plaza Hotel faces multiple sex harassment charges

Six current and former female employees of New York City’s Plaza Hotel have filed suit, alleging they were subjected to “outrageous and incessant sexual harassment and assault by senior management and their male counterparts” and that hotel owners refused to respond to their complaints.