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Discrimination / Harassment

Minor annoyance doesn’t warrant lawsuit

Few courts want to mediate petty disputes. Judges have more important matters to attend to. Just ask the judge who issued a caustic ruling in this recent case.

S.F. firefighters’ age bias suit goes down in flames

The decade-long age discrimination litigation saga of 15 San Francisco firefighters has come to an end.

Worker taking high road can still quit & sue

Typically, workers sue after being fired or otherwise subjected to an adverse employment action such as a demotion. But sometimes, aggrieved employees can quit and still sue, alleging that their working conditions were so severe that they had no choice but to leave.

Now more than ever, rein in sex harassment

#MeToo spawned the multimillion-dollar #TimesUp fund that pays lawyers to help working-class women press sexual harassment claims in court. For employers, that means you can’t afford to ignore a single sexual harassment complaint.

Women much more likely to perceive pay bias

Nearly a third of women (32%) do not think they are making the same pay as men in their organization who have similar experience and qualifications, compared to 12% of men.

Tough new supervisor? That doesn’t prove bias

Sometimes, new bosses crack the whip harder than the previous supervisor did—and hand out harsher performance appraisals, too. But absent specific evidence to the contrary, new and more rigorous standards don’t usually signal that the new boss is motivated by discriminatory intent.

9th Circuit: EPA requires ignoring past pay

Employers that set pay based on past salaries are just as guilty of sex discrimination as those past employers who set a discriminatory rate of pay in the first place.

Snapshot: Where does most sexual harassment happen?

About two-thirds of women who say they have been sexually harassed say it happened at work.

Document all details about employee discipline

It’s impossible to predict which employee will sue and why. That’s why you must carefully document every disciplinary action, including enough specific information to later justify those decisions.

The fact of pay bias matters, not what motivates it

Employees suing under the Equal Pay Act who can prove that they held a substantially similar job but were paid less than a member of the opposite sex don’t have to prove that the employer intended to discriminate.