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No FMLA leave? ADA may be available

An employee who has used up all paid and FMLA leave (or who isn’t yet eligible for FMLA leave) may have other leave options if he’s also disabled.

ADA: Document every step of the interactive accommodations process

If you ultimately turn down a request to accommodate, the worker may sue. And that’s when you will need good records to prove you really did act in good faith by engaging in the interactive process.

Target missed connection with deaf applicant

The EEOC has sued the Target retail chain for failing to accommodate a qualified deaf applicant.

Bosses aren’t docs: Don’t diagnose employees

Generally, disabled workers have to request accommodations for their disabilities and aren’t entitled to any unless they do. But what if a supervisor suspects the employee may be disabled?

ADA: Bosses must address poor performance

Sometimes, managers allow a poor performer to get by for a long time. Letting it slide seems easier than insisting on improvement or imposing discipline. But delaying action can trip you up later if the employee later claims a disability and demands reasonable accommodations.

Good job descriptions thwart ADA lawsuits

The best way to avoid a trip to the courtroom to deal with an Americans with Disabilities Act accusation is to use a job description that concentrates on these components.

Disability accommodation may be impossible

Under the ADA, employers must try to find reasonable accommodations so disabled employees can perform the essential functions of their jobs. But in fact, there may be times when no accommodation is possible.

Special oversight OK for disabled employees who telecommute

It’s OK to set slightly different conditions for two kinds of telecommuters, such as requiring tighter monitoring for disabled workers.

While you must accommodate disabilities, you don’t have to tolerate chronic absenteeism

Employers must reasonably accommodate disabled workers so they can perform the essential functions of their jobs. But at what point does absenteeism make it impossible for the worker to perform the job?

ADA: Permanent part-time work not reasonable

Employers aren’t required to create new positions as reasonable accommodations for disabled workers, or farm out so much work to co-workers that the job becomes part-time.