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Capping Sick Pay


Q. One of our managers has medical problems (she qualifies for the ADA and is in an age-protected class) and has used a significant amount of sick pay. Because we don’t have a defined sick pay policy, this manager is paid sick time whenever she’s out (full day or half day). How can we legally cap this? Is the development of a policy with specific hours our only alternative? —F.E., Georgia

Ex-employees: Gone but not forgotten Courts’ broader definition of ’employee’ expands your liability

Who are your employees? Seems like a pretty simple question. But, as in several aspects of employment law, the answer may surprise you. Two recent court rulings illustrate how, in …

Strict new definition of employee ‘disability’ means less fear of ADA

Employers won a big victory last month when the U.S. Supreme Court made it tougher for workers with job-related physical impairments to claim protection under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). …

Chronic illness isn’t always a qualifying disability

A video services company fired Kent Furnish for poor job performance due to problems ranging from weak communication skills to frequent breakdowns of the systems he installed. Furnish claimed the company …

Evacuation plan? New guide helps you avoid ADA complaints

If you’re revamping your workplace evacuation plans in the wake of Sept. 11, check out new guidance from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The problem: In determining who …


Q Our policy says an employee must work the workday before and after a holiday to receive holiday pay. If an employee is on Family and Medical Leave Act leave, is he entitled to holiday pay? —G.P., Indiana

Can you give inferior benefits to disabled retirees? Courts split

The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin) recently ruled that a company doesn’t violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) when it provides less generous retirement benefits …

Smart pre-employment screening can cut cost of future injuries

Woodbridge Corp., a manufacturer of foam padding, used a wrist test to help identify job applicants who might be susceptible to carpal tunnel syndrome. If applicants’ test results were abnormal, Woodbridge …

Take Broad Look for ADA Accommodation


Q. If we let some employees in a department return to work in a light-duty capacity, can we deny other employees that same option? We need to do this because the department no longer can operate properly with half its staff on medical leave or limited to light duty due to medical conditions. The union contract says that when an employee is eligible for medical leave, six months must pass before we may terminate the employee. —D.W., Illinois

Parent may take FMLA leave to care for grown children

Gladys Navarro asked her employer, Pfizer Corp., for Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave because she wanted to take care of her adult daughter who was ordered to bed rest …