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Your safety rules outweigh employee ‘personal appearance’ rights.

Company dress codes will withstand any legal challenge if they’re gender-neutral and involve a legitimate business reason. Recent example: A county prohibited …

Doing half a job is not a reasonable accommodation request

After a construction worker injured his shoulder, had surgery and returned to work, he told his employer he didn’t have any disability that would prevent him from doing …

Offer accommodation, but don’t mandate extra leave


Q. We’re afraid that a previously injured worker returned from medical leave too early. Can we require him to take additional leave if it’s obvious that the injury is still hurting his job performance? —M.D., Wyoming

True ‘disability’ limits employees’ life activities, not just job tasks

After less than a month on the job, Mark Mack was put on leave when an injury prevented him from lifting and kneeling, both of which were required for his job …

Rein in abusive managers: Even ‘Flip Wilson’ claim sways jury

You’d think that 12 jurors wouldn’t look kindly on an armed robber’s claim that job discrimination drove him to rob a convenience store with a sawed-off shotgun. But you would …

What’s a ‘reasonable’ ADA accommodation? See new guide

Federal law says companies with 15 or more workers have to provide “reasonable accommodations” to disabled workers, unless it would cause the company “undue hardship.” Newly updated guidelines from the Equal …

Don’t be bullied to create permanent light-duty job

After injuring her shoulder, assembly-line worker Tamara Watson wasn’t able to do many tasks required for her job. To aid her recovery, the company temporarily limited her to lighter duties that …

Not all vision impairments qualify as disabilities

Several UPS employees who could only see out of one eye claimed their sight was a disability and that UPS’ policy of not allowing them to drive a truck was discriminatory …

Supreme Court tackles ADA case clarifying 15-employee definition

Companies that have 15 or more employees are covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). But do the company partners or shareholders count toward that total? The Supreme Court has …

Don’t deny ADA accommodation due to ‘potential’ seniority break

After 18 years as a truck driver, Donald Dilley developed back trouble and was limited by his doctor to lifting less than 60 pounds at a time. Dilley asked for routes …