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Smoke out users who try to beat your drug tests

Issue: Cheap new products make it easier to thwart workplace drug tests. Risks: You could inadvertently be adding more substance abusers to the payroll. Action: Thwart drug-test cheaters with …

Err on the side of stating the obvious in job descriptions

It’s clear that some jobs require employees to work on site and work alongside others. But must you state that fact in every job description? The following case says “No,” you …

Wear kid gloves with accommodation requests; they are ‘protected activity’

Alert managers that they can’t demote, fire or retaliate in any way against employees simply because they ask you to accommodate their physical ailments. That advice holds true even if employees …

Major revision planned for ADA’s access rules

In January, a government panel approved the first major update of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations since 1991. That move revises the ADA’s Accessibility Guidelines, which govern how organizations must …

Worker’s FMLA time expired? Check ADA obligation, too


Q. An employee’s been on FMLA leave for pregnancy for about 17 weeks. Now that the 16 weeks (12 under FMLA, plus four additional in our state) have expired, we plan to terminate her and let her know that she is eligible for rehire when and if she returns to work. Are we legally safe? —C.A., California

Avoid arbitrary policy on reinstating job titles


Q. An assistant manager has been out on disability leave for four months, and she’s requested another two months. I want to eliminate the position. How long do I have to keep the position closed before reactivating the job title and responsibilities? —K.J., Mississippi

Misconduct is the key to enforcing your ‘no rehire’ policy

Issue: When can you refuse to rehire a former employee who may be protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? Benefit: You don’t have to rehire people who are …

You can require tests to determine ADA accommodations

Issue: How to meet your “interactive process” requirement with disabled employees to create accommodations.
Benefit: You can reject an employee’s accommodation request if the worker doesn’t cooperate in the interactive …

Don’t lower standards for disabled staff


Q. One of our employees has multiple sclerosis and isn’t meeting our production standard, which calls for 70 percent production level. This employee is achieving only a 59 percent level. From an ADA standpoint, what would be a reasonable accommodation? —M.R., Pennsylvania

Craft a ‘last-chance pact’ with on-the-ropes employees

Issue: Written “last-chance agreements” give poor-performing employees one final opportunity to shape up. Risk: Some fear that last-chance pacts will violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Action: Go …