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Leave medical history out of hiring and firing decisions

Remind supervisors never to consider an applicant’s or employee’s medical history when making hiring, firing or other employment decisions. That’s true even if a worker’s medical condition may cause health insurance premiums to rise or result in frequent absences.

Employee sleepwalks into co-worker’s hotel room: Do you terminate or accommodate?

Here’s one they probably didn’t teach you in HR school…

Beware removing effective disability accommodations

Many ADA accommodations are cheap, effective and easy to implement. If one of these simple accommodations seems to be working, think twice before withdrawing it unless you have a rock-solid business reason for doing so.

Ensure bosses don’t block accommodations

It’s important to train supervisors that they must honor approved disability accommodations and immediately refer all requests to modify accommodations to HR.

Always keep disability status confidential

The ADA requires employers to keep a worker’s disability confidential. That can put supervisors in a difficult position if, for example, employees complain about a colleague who seemingly gets a pass on performing some tasks or is allowed to take extra leave.

Service animals may be ADA accommodations

Some employers assume they can reject out of hand a disabled employee’s request to bring a service animal to work as a reasonable accommodation. Implementing such a blanket policy is a mistake.

Accommodate teenage workers’ disabilities, too

One of the EEOC’s primary enforcement priorities is protecting teen workers from harassment and discrimination. Employers that tolerate abuse of younger employees can expect an EEOC lawsuit that is likely to result in an expensive judgment or settlement.

How to legally navigate employees’ requests to work remotely

After roughly two years of isolation, employers are summoning employees back to the office. Not all employees are thrilled, which means many employers are facing resistance from employees who have grown accustomed to remote work.

Even temporary conditions can be disabilities

It’s a misconception that an employee must have a permanent, long-term medical condition in order to be covered by the ADA. Not true! A temporary serious health condition can still qualify as an ADA disability.

Don’t let bosses override accommodations

Whether you handle accommodation requests internally or through a third party, make sure you don’t undo all your efforts by letting supervisors override accommodation recommendations and implement their own measures.