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Retain low-wage employees without busting your budget

Issue: Retention efforts often focus only on the well-paid professionals and superstars. Benefit: A few simple moves and low-cost programs can help trim turnover …

Ease pay complaints & turnover by training managers


More often than not, employees believe that their pay levels are pulled out of a hat. And when employees do raise questions about their compensation, they typically go first to their front-line supervisor: the person with the greatest impact on their morale but the least-trained person to offer a good answer …

Cut turnover by revealing ‘Hidden facts’ in paychecks


Issue: Employees too often see their base salary as their bottom-line compensation. Risk: Without a clear view of their total compensation package, employees become disillusioned and seek greener …

5 ways to keep good people as the job market improves

Issue: Retaining the best employees should be a high priority for your organization as the economy picks up. Benefits: Reduces recruitment and retraining …

Max out results from your employee-referral program

Issue: Imaginative cash rewards are the key to successful employee-referral programs. Benefit: Employees hired through employee referrals have higher retention rates. Action: Read below to gauge whether your rewards …

Make sure HR spending aligns with management goals

HR spending often wildly varies from the senior management’s priorities, says a new Watson Wyatt survey. Examples: While managers ranked staff selection second in terms of their priorities, it ranked 36th …

You decide definitions for full- and part-Time status


Q. How many hours must employees work to be considered full time? Part time? —D.S., Texas

4 Tips for Choosing a Long-Term Care Insurance Plan


Long-term care (LTC) insurance can offer a low-cost way to upgrade employee benefits. The benefits: reduced absenteeism due to employee caregiving duties and  tax benefits for some employers. Use these four strategies to decide whether sponsoring an LTC insurance plan makes sense for your organization …

Credit union membership: a no-cost employee benefit

Issue: Offering membership in a credit union as an employee benefit is now easier than ever. Benefits: Employees gain access to low-cost financial services. And you have a new, no-cost …

How to conduct positive, valuable assessments

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