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17 California employers make Fortune’s ‘best’ list

Fortune magazine has tallied the 100 best companies to work for in 2014 and 17 California firms made the list. Five of the top 10 are based in Cali­­fornia—and one heads the list.

Try easy, proven ways to retain best workers

Determined to retain workers now that business is getting better? Here are several real-life examples of things that organizations have done in recent years to keep workers from moving on to greener pastures.

Victoria’s Secret employees claim online campaign victory

Employees at the Manhattan flagship store of Victoria’s Secret received raises of between $1 and $2 per hour recently, and say it’s all because of a petition started on the advocacy website www.change.org.

Craft strategy to retain your best employees

It’s getting a lot easier for your most valued employees to find jobs at other companies. And if your retention efforts aren’t better than your competitors’ recruiting, you stand a good chance of losing your star employees.

Understand the Millennials working in your midst

Researchers who studied PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Millennial employees found that several factors are key to retaining today’s youngest workers and helping them succeed.

Overlooked retention tool: Show employees a future path

Many employers are missing out on a simple, no-cost way to retain employees—communicate your promotions and promotion policies.

Reinstate fun, family focus to recruit and retain

If your organization is suffering a post-recession exodus of its most valuable employees, here’s an old-school idea to stop the drain: Add job perks that your competitors don’t offer.

Consulting firm offers ‘no unwanted travel’


Slalom Consulting guarantees its employees that all of its clients are local, so they don’t have to travel if they don’t want to. That guarantee draws travel-weary consultants and new grads who don’t want to stray too far from home who, in turn, keep hiring and retention rates high.

Abbott touts innovation to recruit, retain scientists

Abbott Laboratories’ strategy for recruiting and retaining employees reaches beyond touting its health, retirement and work/life benefits. The Abbott Park, Ill., pharmaceutical company gives equal play to its employees’ cutting-edge research.

Boost retention: Focus on every new employee’s ‘5 Firsts’


Keeping your best people doesn’t have to take a lot of time. All it really takes are small doses of quality time that make the most of first impressions. Hiring and retention guru Mel Kleiman offers a five-stage timetable for getting new hires to peak performance and keeping them there.