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Productivity / Performance

Get it in writing: Creating effective and legal job descriptions

Job descriptions are the cornerstone of communication between management and staff. Good job descriptions make sure bosses and employees alike know what kind of performance is expected. They’re the basis of every effective performance-appraisal system. At a minimum, a job description should include these elements:

Courts frown on bosses blaming subordinates for shortcomings


Here’s something to consider when disciplining a supervisor or manager: She probably won’t be able to get away with blaming a subordinate for her own poor performance. Employers are entitled to expect managers to manage.

‘Talent’ report helps Deloitte take stock


At Deloitte, the annual report doesn’t stop with a financial statement. The financial services firm also publishes a “Talent Annuity Report” to chronicle its year in benefits and employee recognition efforts. “We published a Talent Annuity Report because we regard our talent as an investment that generates an annuity,” said CEO Barry Salzberg.

Planning for productivity: What time of day are workers at their best?


If you plan important meetings for 3 p.m. or host brainstorming sessions after lunch, it’s time to reconsider those strategies. Late afternoon is the most common time for workers to hit the productivity wall, a new study says.

Annual performance reviews are still the norm

A survey of 500 HR professionals asked how often their organizations conduct formal performance appraisals of employees. The old-reliable yearly performance appraisal is still the standard. Find out other time frames that work for some organizations. Plus, tips for employees on how to get the greatest value from performance reviews.

Kobe-Wieland hit with ‘regarded-as-disabled’ suit

Copper tubing manufacturer Kobe-Wieland faces a disability discrimination suit for allegedly terminating Joseph Cardwell because it perceived him to be disabled when he was not.

One sex always does the dirty work? Be prepared to show that it’s essential


If supervisors disproportionally push either men or women to perform certain distasteful or dangerous tasks, you could face a sex discrimination claim. If that happens, you had better be prepared to show that gender is a bona fide occupational qualification for the tasks.

Don’t shoot yourself in the foot! If you praise extra work, pay for it


Nonexempt employees are entitled to be paid for all the hours they work. Before issuing a performance appraisal that hails hourly employees for coming in early and staying late, make sure they were appropriately compensated. Otherwise, your praise may come back to haunt you.

Employers still giving raises, mostly to high performers


U.S. employers will hand out pay raises averaging 2.5% across all employee categories in 2010, according to the annual WorldatWork 2010-2011 Salary Budget Survey. But in most cases, the size of the raise will depend on how well employees have performed. Employers “are no longer averse to withholding merit increases for poor performers so they can afford to grant meaningful increases to better performers,” says Anne C. Ruddy, president of WorldatWork.

How to turn employee conflict into a positive, productive force


If you manage a team that’s stuck in a rut or not working up to its full potential, it may have nothing to do with the drive and talent of the participants. They all may want to succeed and be giving 100% effort, but the results can still disappoint. The problem could be conflict—not too much, but too little.