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Productivity / Performance

Writing job descriptions: An 8-question checklist

Inaccurate or incomplete job descriptions can create costly legal risks. Here are eight questions managers should ask themselves when drafting a job description.

Top 10: The most productivity-inspiring songs and most popular artists for workplace listening

According to an apparently rigorous analysis of Spotify playlists by TollFreeForwarding.com—why a phone-number brokerage does this, we don’t know—these are the top songs for promoting workplace productivity.

How to manage a remote worker experiencing performance problems

Smart managers do not hesitate to address an underperforming worker. They know that rectifying the situation quickly is in the company’s best interest. This mindset holds true regardless of where the employee performs the role. Effective leaders realize, however, that root causes and possible solutions sometimes differ when the individual works remotely. Here, we look at ways to assist a struggling off-site staff member.

A rock-star employee leaves: Now what?

The hole left when an outstanding employee departs can seem big enough to swallow up the productivity of that person’s whole department. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are four tips to maintain order and productivity when a top employee moves on

Cut turnover by training managers to give better performance feedback

When managers give lousy performance feedback, employees are much more likely to quit, according to new research by Textio, an artificial intelligence software firm that specializes in hiring and retention solutions.

Take every opportunity to deliver positive feedback

For some employees, hearing words of praise is better than a cash bonus—and such praise is a key reason people want to stay in their jobs. Yet many managers can muster up such phrases only during annual reviews … if at all. Here are 10 key ideas managers should consider when offering positive feedback to employees.

Post-pandemic, get new hires up to speed fast

A July poll conducted by Intelligent.com revealed that employers believe newly minted high school and college graduates aren’t as academically and socially skilled as they were just five years ago. Plus, they said recent grads are more likely to have unreasonable salary and benefit expectations. If you’re struggling to assimilate young employees into your workforce, here’s how to bring those new hires up to speed.

Use performance logs to simplify employee reviews

It happens to every manager: You sit down to prepare a staff member’s review and realize you can remember only what the person has done the past few weeks. Or you allow only a single incident (good or bad) to color your assessment. If you’re relying solely on your memory to evaluate employee performance, you’re […]

Survey: Returning to the office improves productivity

Employees may grumble when their bosses order them to scrap remote work and come into the office, but they acknowledge the post-pandemic transition has its upsides.

Teach these 5 business etiquette musts to your team

Forty-five percent of participants in a recent ResumeBuilder.com survey of more than 1,500 business leaders said their company currently offers etiquette training. An additional 20 percent said their company plans to offer etiquette training in the future. What topics might be beneficial to cover? Here are a few to consider.