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Productivity / Performance

Variable pay strategy: Teach workers to ‘manage the boss’

The biggest trend in employee compensation is pay-for-performance. In many organizations, less employee pay is fixed; more is contingent on performance. In reality, too few managers do what’s necessary to make pay-for-performance work. Solution: Teach the employees to “manage the boss.”

… a worker’s not ready for a job he wants

Here are some guidelines on how to respond to an employee who wants to take on a job you believe he is not able to do.

New boss challenge: Balancing own, others’ work

New managers face a number of challenges, but which is the most daunting?

5 legal ways you can monitor your employees

There are fine legal lines to watch for when electronically monitoring employees.

Appraising workers in alternative job arrangements

Alternative work arrangements—flextime, permanent part-time, job-sharing, telecommuting—require managers to adapt in many ways. One of these, often overlooked, is performance appraisal. What’s the best way to evaluate the work of someone who’s working where you can’t see them?

Snapshot: Where do we receive job-related training?

There are a number of ways employers and employees pursue professional training.

Robots will take over … but my job will still exist

Most believe robots will take over some jobs, just not theirs.

Performance reviews: 20 questions for evaluating intangibles

Make abstract qualities more concrete by answering “yes” or “no” to the following questions.

… on-the-job socializing gets out of hand

Usually, it takes just a few employees to set the bar for over-socializing in the workplace. But such banter can seriously interfere with productivity.

Designing a Progressive Discipline Policy

White Paper published by The HR Specialist ______________________ The most reliable way to protect your organization from wrongful termination charges is to establish and enforce a system of progressive discipline. Having such a structure in place, and making it clear to all supervisors that they are expected to abide by it, is your best defense […]