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Productivity / Performance

When you can’t give a bonus

Your star employee just learned that she won’t be getting a bonus this year, and she is furious. Here’s what to do and say to mitigate the damage.

For employees to get ahead, learning beats burning the midnight oil

Are those employees who come in early, stay late and work superhuman hours charting the quickest path to an illustrious career?

Can a manager ask, ‘Is everything OK at home?’

Q. If an employee makes four mistakes in a short period of time, can the employer ask, ‘Is everything OK at home?’ This person does office work, not factory, so it’s not a safety issue.

What to do when older workers start to coast

When employees approach retirement, they sometimes go on autopilot. They may think there’s no way their employer will fire them at their age, assuming management will fear an age discrimination lawsuit. Such sudden drops in productivity can frustrate everyone involved, including co-workers and supervisors.

Spot warning signs of chronic absenteeism

Chronic absenteeism is a chronic drain on the bottom line. Typically, the direct and indirect costs associated with absenteeism eat up 5% to 17% of an organization’s total payroll. Top brass is probably looking at HR for solutions.

Pokémon Go away! Get gamers back to work

If you don’t have a policy that governs workplace gaming, now is a good time to establish one.

Rosy reviews: 99% of bureaucrats are good at their jobs!

A new U.S. Government Accountability Office study of performance reviews found that 99% of federal government employees were rated as being good at their jobs, and almost two-thirds do “outstanding” work.

Remind bosses: Genuine constructive criticism doesn’t create a hostile work environment

Some employees are difficult to manage. Maybe they have talent, but they’re not amendable to constructive criticism. Tell managers and supervisors that shouldn’t make them shy away from offering suggestions on how employee performance might improve.

Keep workers’ stress under control

Often managers feel caught between a rock and a hard place. Challenged to meet organizational goals in a tough economic climate, they push teams to do more and watch the stress levels rise.

Are they ready for the next level?

When is an employee ready for more responsibility?