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Productivity / Performance

When nagging is necessary

Nobody wants to be deemed a nag, but sometimes you have to let your inner-nag come out to push people to act or move tasks along.

10 excuses for calling in sick when you really are not

Calling in sick when you’re feeling just fine isn’t a new phenomenon, and the whacked-out rationales never get old.

Lawsuit-proof your processes: Document employee progress against goals

Smart employers make sure they keep the focus on employee performance the whole time a worker is employed.

10 signs an employee is promotable

Use this checklist to determine if your employee does any of the following and deserves that big promotion.

2016 election takes toll on civility, productivity at work

This year’s extraordinary presidential campaign is taking a toll on American workers.

Snapshot: Percent of employees recently promoted

As the economy has improved, hiring has increased and so have promotions.

Beware inflated performance reviews! They can come back to haunt you

It can be uncomfortable to criticize a subordinate’s performance. As a result, some supervisors resort to writing generic, positive performance reviews. But that can come back to haunt the employer later.

Train managers to build resilient teams that can respond to change

The team members all understand what’s expected of them. But the group isn’t home free yet. There’s one more piece of the puzzle left: responding to change.

When you can’t give a bonus

Your star employee just learned that she won’t be getting a bonus this year, and she is furious. Here’s what to do and say to mitigate the damage.

For employees to get ahead, learning beats burning the midnight oil

Are those employees who come in early, stay late and work superhuman hours charting the quickest path to an illustrious career?