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Productivity / Performance

Telecommuting: A search for equilibrium

Even as the overall numbers of telecommuting employees rises, some companies are reconsidering their telecommuting policies. The fluid situation suggests that there is no one-size-fits-all policy that covers the who, how and when of telecommuting.

It’s up to worker to ask about status of promotion

In a win for employers, the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that an employee cannot wait years before suing about a promotion that never materialized.

Tell bosses not to gloss over performance deficiencies

Some supervisors hate including negative feedback in performance reviews of good employees. But nearly everyone has some room for improvement. It’s up to HR to insist on accurate evaluations, including negative feedback when warranted.

5 cues to promote that worker

Here are five signs that employees are ready to climb the ladder.

Motivate the long-termers

When a long-term employee seems to be stuck in a rut or is simply coasting, a few moves by the employee’s manager can shake out the cobwebs and rekindle the employee’s fire. Here are five tips.

How to confront mistake-prone employees

It’s never easy for managers to confront an employee whose performance is slipping or who has begun making more mistakes. Here are some key rules of engagement.

When bias charges loom, documentation proves discipline was warranted

When it comes to terminating an employee for poor performance, careful documentation is essential. Make sure you can later explain exactly how you handled the employee’s performance problems.

Document performance to beat bias claims

When a fired employee claims he was the victim of discrimination, be prepared to show that the real reason for termination was poor performance. That requires keeping detailed documentation of any work deficiencies.

Snapshot: Who is most responsible for giving workers what they need to succeed?

HR, IT and top brass all have some effect on employee success, but none matter more than immediate bosses.

6 tips to address slipping performance

When an employee’s job performance suddenly declines, too often managers wait and hope it gets better. It probably won’t.