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Productivity / Performance

Second Opinion on Fitness-for-Duty Certificate


Q. We have an employee returning from FMLA leave. His physician issued a fitness-for-duty certificate, but we question the worker’s ability to perform his old job because the length of his absence was too short for him to recover completely. Further, the fitness-for-duty certificate simply states that he is “able” to work, without addressing his specific job duties. Can we send him to another physician for a second fitness-for-duty examination? —A.L.

Consensus Decisions Can Deflect Firing-Bias Claims


One of the best ways to make sure a termination decision sticks is to adopt a consensus approach to the decision-making …

You Needn’t Accommodate Some ‘Serious’ Ailments


While the ADA says organizations must provide reasonable accommodations to people with qualifying disabilities, be aware that many apparently serious conditions aren’t limiting enough to be considered disabilities …

Check employees’ work history if they claim a disability


Just because a doctor sets a physical restriction on an employee, that doesn’t mean the employee is “disabled” and entitled to special ADA accommodations …

Confronting poor performers: 6 tips for managers


No manager enjoys having “the talk” with employees. But ignoring an employee’s poor performance won’t make the problem go away; it’ll only make things worse.

Get organized: 6 ways to zip through e-mail clutter


Some people are deleters and some are hoarders. Either way, you can learn from these e-mail efficiency tips …

Setting clear performance standards

“I didn’t know what you expected … Well, no one told me to do it that way!” Have you heard this complaint before? Probably so.

How to keep employees productive during flu season


If your office remains infected with sneezing, coughing, aching workers who should be at home in bed during flu season, it could be because they’re afraid to use their sick leave. HR should encourage employees to use their sick leave when sick. It could actually increase productivity in the long term …

Pump up your sales force: Focus on time, treasure, talent


Working long hours doesn’t make a sales staff successful; wisely allocating time does, says a new survey by global consulting firm Watson Wyatt …

Promise of company vacation keeps productivity humming


Employees of Canada’s Great Little Box Co. have a daily incentive to meet their goals: a trip on the company’s dollar …