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Productivity / Performance

Remind bosses: Don’t let ‘Soft’ traits sway hiring, firing


When it comes to hiring and promotions, one of the quickest paths to the courthouse is relying heavily on a person’s subjective qualifications when objective measures point to a better candidate …

Track contracts for bias against black-Owned firms


Think you don’t have to worry about race discrimination in hiring contractors? Think again. A little-known section of the federal Civil Rights Act has become a popular vehicle for claims of race discrimination in contracting

RIF after FMLA leave? Possible, but proceed with caution


If you terminate an employee soon after he or she has returned from FMLA leave, you open yourself to charges of retaliation …

Georgia economic outlook: partly cloudy, better than nation


“Georgia will outperform the nation but will not dodge the slowdown” in 2007, according to George Benson, dean of the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business …

In employment contracts, use clear, unambiguous terms


When Florida courts interpret employment contracts, they look first and foremost to the contract language. If it’s clear and unambiguous, they enforce the terms strictly. But if the court questions the meaning of some terms, it will interpret them in a way that benefits the employee

Boosting productivity makes you a true strategic player


Execs in your organization constantly look for ways to reduce labor costs and improve work force productivity to keep up with competition. Most likely, those bosses don’t ask your advice … and you don’t give it. To start playing a role in improving productivity, take the following steps

Giving and receiving feedback: 8 important do’s & don’ts


For some bosses, “Good work” or “That stunk” is all the feedback they offer employees in a day. But the employees crave a whole lot more …

ADA: Hiring Practices


HR Law 101: The ADA prohibits employers from asking job applicants questions that may reveal a disability. You should ask only about the person’s ability to perform a job’s essential functions …

Performance Reviews


HR Law 101: There are two important reasons why you should conduct regular appraisals of your employees’ performance. First, periodic and competent appraisals reduce the opportunity for a discharged employee to claim unfair treatment. The appraisal process alerts employees to what you expect of them, areas in which they’re deficient and how they can improve their performance. Second, appraisals constitute documented proof of unsatisfactory performance that will help you justify employment decisions …

Off-Duty Behavior/Moonlighting


HR Law 101: In recent years, employer attempts to regulate what employees may do on their own time have become contentious. Many employers fear that their employees’ off-duty actions, including moonlighting, may reflect badly on them, lower productivity or, even worse, create liability …