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Productivity / Performance

Protect yourself from ADA suits with specific job descriptions

You may want to stand out in your job descriptions and advertisements. But job notices are more than promotional material. They can be used in court to decide if employees who sue have a leg, or document, to stand on.

Cameras on, unmute: Improve Zoom

Zoom fatigue is real. It’s tempting for employees to mute their microphones, turn their cameras off and zone out. Try these techniques to create livelier meetings.

Activate your approaches to mental health

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports heightened stress and anxiety levels. Rather than wait for employees to reach out when problems are severe, HR can be proactive.

Build a resilient team

Depression, stress and anxiety, according to a global study, now account for 82.6% of all emotional health cases. But resilient employers view a difficulty as a challenge, not a paralyzing event.

Employers who encourage connections will like the results

A small nugget in a recent survey regarding workplace connections should be music to employers’ ears. Half of the respondents who feel connected said they strongly agree their job motivates them to go above and beyond.

To spur excellence, communicate differently

Two tips to try.

Coach, don’t punish, if progress is possible

Progressive discipline, or a system of graduating threats, is a common strategy to address employee misbehavior or performance problems. “The whole process is doomed to fail,” writes Sue Bingham, founder of HWCP Group.

Advancing hourly workers

Hourly workers have long hovered on the bottom rung of the career ladder. But since the pandemic, they are more important than ever as companies struggle to attract and retain talent.

How to stop “job polygamists”

Some enterprising workers are logging into more than one employer’s remote work system simultaneously. Others are casually “sharing” jobs and splitting pay without employers knowing. But whether they work multiple jobs or share one, their unwitting employers face legal risk. Here are some signs you may have a cheater.

Hybrid work: Can we turn back the clock?

Two years or more into hybrid work, and not everyone agrees on whether it’s the future. How can we put the toothpaste back into the tube?