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Employee Relations

7 tips for holding on to older workers nearing retirement age

In today’s tight labor market, retention is more important than ever. If you have employees nearing retirement age, consider making an extra effort to hold onto them. You might find them more than willing to stay on the payroll.

Control March Madness by setting policy on workplace gambling

In many companies, bracket-pool betting on the tournament is a time-honored tradition. Should you worry?

How to save millions even if you lose in court: Good-faith investigation can prevent huge punitive damages

Always investigate every HR complaint, even if you think it’s frivolous. Doing so can help you dodge a huge punitive awards verdict if a jury sides with a fired worker. What matters most is that the investigation is done in good faith.

Celebrate spring by sparking staff creativity

Worried that staff is on autopilot, just doing the same things the same way, day in and day out? Did the last productive meeting happen six months ago? Has initiative curled up under a comfortable blanket of conformity? Help your organization’s managers and supervisors banish winter’s stale doldrums and welcome the fresh air of springtime with these three suggestions for sparking creative thinking.

Why successful managers make 360 communication their top priority

Unlike one-way communication, where information only flows from the top down or bottom up, 360 communication fosters open, transparent communication between peers, superiors, subordinates, clients and other stakeholders. It involves communication that flows vertically, from top to bottom and vice versa, and horizontally among peers and across departments.

Tight labor market could get tighter: Fewer workers planning to change jobs

While job openings remain elevated and talent shortages persist, there is less attrition in the labor force, as fewer workers say they plan to change jobs this year. According to new research from employment and outplacement firm Robert Half, only 36% of workers plan to look for a new job in the next six months, down from 49% in July 2023.

Lessen liability by quickly addressing sexual harassment

Just having a policy that prohibits sexual harassment can prevent harassment from occurring. Most employers also make it easy for employees to report harassment they experience or witness.

8 steps to becoming the manager your employees need

In an effort to “empower” their staffs, too many managers take a completely hands-off approach, leaving employees alone unless they really need help. But this can create a rudderless ship, says management expert Bruce Tulgan. That’s not leadership! Here’s how effective managers provide genuine support to their employees.

How to Wipe Out Fraud and Abuse Under FMLA

The medical certification process is your most potent weapon for combating potential FMLA fraud. But obtaining a certification is only the first fraud-stopping step. Here are 10 more things you can do to keep employees from gaming the FMLA system.

A fair investigation is all that’s required

It’s important to thoroughly and fairly investigate whenever an employee is accused of wrongdoing. Employers have lots of leeway to investigate as they see fit, as long as they can demonstrate their investigation was conducted in good faith.