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Employee Relations

Who’s winning the workplace Cold War?

The weather outside may be frightfully bizarre this winter, but the temperatures inside can be just as difficult for many to adjust to. According to a new Harris poll, 23% of employees say their office is too cold, while 25% are too hot.

Have you nailed down the rules of telecommuting?

Speaker and author Jay Forte is a results-oriented kind of guy, so he doesn’t think you have reason to worry that remote workers might become underperformers—as long as everyone knows what’s expected from day one.

Tips to speed up slower workers

There is sometimes only a thin line between diligence and delay—but you can always tell when employees have crossed it.

4 ways to get busy people to read your emails

There are several things you can do when writing emails to get your readers’ attention and urge them to continue reading, according to the email marketing experts at the Specialized Information Publishers Association.

Counter years of good reviews by documenting legit reasons for discipline

Generally, if an employer gives an employee consistently good reviews, courts will view that as evidence that the employer was satisfied with the worker’s job performance. An employee who alleges discrimination or retaliation can then use those good reviews to show that something else must have been the reason for a sudden discharge.

Do employees feel like they ‘belong’? 5 red flags

When employees feel like they belong in an organization, they’ll give you their all. When they feel like outsiders, you’ll only get a half-hearted effort at best. Here are five red flags …

Mental health concerns? Focus on behavior

Worried an employee may have an undisclosed mental disability that is causing problems at work? Don’t treat him with kid gloves or suggest he seek mental health care.

Sensitive job, angry worker? OK to discipline

Some workers think that anytime their employer criticizes an emotional state or suggests therapy, the employer is “regarding” them as disabled. Thus, goes the argument, the employer violates the ADA when it tries to intervene.

Uh-oh! He’s uncooperative … what now?

If you have an uncooperative employee, the following guidelines can help you resolve the problem.

The 5 common myths about workplace conflict

Managed correctly, conflict can be a positive source of innovation and creativity. How do you harness its power?